» Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:17 am
As I've mentioned elsewhere, I've played every Elder Scrolls game that has come out with the exception of Redguard. Arena worked pretty well from the getgo, but it had bugs. Daggerfall was released with so many bugs it was unplayable at first. Of the series, Morrowind and Oblivion were probably the most enjoyable ones from the start. The bugs that they had were quickly fixed and the interminable wait (what is it? two weeks now?! sheesh!) for the Construction Set didn't seem to affect me so much. (Wanna mod! Gotta MOD!!!)
I constantly tell myself that I'm going to wait until the first major patch. So I did. And paid my $59.95. And got another patch, the major reason for it being to require Steam to play it. (Please do not inform me that there are ways to get around that. I am aware of this already.) And quests still don't work. And the interface still needs repair. And there are still graphics glitches, and random CTDs, and and andandand...
And while I have completed the major quest line (thank God that worked!), I still can't finish the game.
I think that Bethesda has put out some of the best games of many different genres. I just wish that they, and the rest of the game publishers and programmers, would spend more time debugging *before* they release the game to the public. That is what is important to me and, I believe, most other gamers. (Awaits massive flames for that one. hehehe)