For all of those who have not played the "Mount & Blade" games: It features directional blocking in melee combat, where players can swing, thrust, or hack from four different directions (thrust, left swing, right swing, top hack). These attacks are blocked by blocking in one of four directions according to the attack (if it comes from the left, you hold your weapon to the left, and vice versa. To block a thrust you hold it horizontally down, and to block a hack you hold it horizontally up). You select the direction of your attack or block by turning your mouse in that direction.
Then you could actually become skilled at melee with your playing. Melee would be more fun, shields would be more useful, and two handed would be better. I don't know about you guys, but just holding your weapon out sideways in front of your face as a jack-of-all-trades block doesn't really make me feel epic. Engaging in long sword fights against your trained skill and an NPC's programmed skill would be so much better.
Just my two cents. I hope someone makes a mod for something like this, but I doubt it will happen.