Impressions of Game so far

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:11 pm

So far this game is amazing. Huge, and very beautiful.

The only complaint so far is I wish the puzzles were cooler, like shoot an arrow through a shot glass size hole to open a door, or refract light from crystals by the sun beaming through the cealing during the right time of day, etc..etc.. This Animal Cracker system is getting over used, and so is the Claw doors. I would have also liked to have seen better secret doors (hidden switches, torches that can be pulled, harder to detect buttons), and dungeons that span out more. More time spent with the simplest of armor. Make it harder to use the Smithing system so we have no choice but to check out Imperial Armor, or Leather Armor for longer times.

So really the only complaint I have is better puzzles, make it a challenge, that's what strategy guides are for. I hate walking into a beautiful dungeon, and then the animal cracker system is used to get through, gosh.

Other than that this game is God Dang Gorgeous, and Hella fun to play...
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Brooke Turner
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