i let my friend play fallout nv and i left the room and he killed cl hsu and carie boyd and he saved it ithout me knowing
so know i cant get the gun carie gives you or complete any quests ? any ideas?
While I would never recommend violence agasint another human as a means to resolve conflicts over video games, I coooooould possibly be convinced that any "friend" who overwrites you only save after completely screwing up your game might not
actually be considered
human. Take from that which you wish.
As for real advice, you have about 4 options:
1. Reload a previous save. If you are not in the habit of saving, like, every two seconds in FO, you better get used to it. There's just too many ways for your saves to get borked that frequent saves are a neccessity, not a luxury.
2. Start a new game. Depending on how far along you were, and if you felt that maybe you'd make some game decisions differenly on a new playthrough, this may be the best option.
Spoiler Xbox/PC only - use a save game editor or the GECK to undo the wrongs, or maybe get a saved game from someone.
4. Keep playing. There's other ways to get the rifle (if on PC just type
player.additem 000f062b, 1 into the console) and you can use the "mistakes" as a role playing mechanism, saying your "character" made some "bad mistakes", and see where the role play takes you.
5. Seriously, is your "friend"
really human? Just kiddin. (kinda).