I understand roleplaying. For me however I just cant get into the whole legion "no tech, no real medicine just herb mixtures, conquer everyone no matter what, women are baby making slave, and to top it off we crucify for giggles. Also House, well he is just to damn arrogant and condecending for a "person" that cant protect himself even a little bit haha.
However I do rp chars that kill others for no reason and others that dont. Some wont steal others will. Some will do quests to be helpful others get tired of fetching stuff and will proceed to roast said npc with a flamethrower. :flamethrower:
Sorry for being off topic.
It's all good. It's just that I can rp characters from all the factions by adjusting their values. My current Legion character, for example, has a unilateral hatred of the NCR and an appreciation of a state that values efficiency as it's priority. She wants to see a Legion victory because A: It means the NCR loses the worst and B: She thinks it's the best for the Mojave.
I am inclined to agree, though, that House is an arrogant bastard, but then again, so is The Courier. Who thinks they can just stroll into the Fort and kill everyone? Who thinks they can just penetrate the Lucky 38 and upset the balance of power in New Vegas?
On-Topic: If my characters have consistent changes of heart, then they do change which faction they support.