You really should use the for asking such questions. There is something similar available, but better ask in that thread.
Friendly advice: Don't create a new thread for every query you have. There are appropriate threads you can post in to ask those queries.
You really should use the for asking such questions. There is something similar available, but better ask in that thread.
Friendly advice: Don't create a new thread for every query you have. There are appropriate threads you can post in to ask those queries.
While well-intentioned I'm not so sure this advice applies to situation at hand. The referenced Mod-Detectives thread contains this statement, highlighted in yellow:
"Please remember folks, this thread is for people who know that the mod they are looking for exists, and have already searched extensively for it."
This seems to indicate that the question as posed by Molec is not welcome in the Detectives thread and thus perfectly legit as its own separate thread. Correct me if wrong.
I will. Actually, there was a mod psychic thread meant for asking such questions, but as people kept asking similar questions in both threds, it was discontinued, and the Mod Detectives thread is now the thread to ask any questions about mods that are, or could be. So, the advice to molec stands.