First there be a change to when enemy’s level, instead of the enemy’s levelling every time you level up the game should record what skills you raise and scale the enemies based on that. For example if the game records 10 skill increases in major combat skills then enemies would raise their level. Skill should be categorised at Combat, Support and Non-Combat. Combat skills cause enemies to level every time player increases them 10 times. Support skills cause enemies to level every time player increases them 20 times and Non combat skills have no effect on the enemy’s level.
I mentioned major skills, you are probably wondering what I meant by that. Well say someone is level 47 in one handed and 19 in two handed and happened to increase the two handed skill by accident it will not have an effect on level progression for enemies as it is so far behind the other skill. The game should identify what is your main skill e.g heavy armour/light; two hand/one and only use the highest one, unless the difference is say less than 20.
Now the last part is how much the enemy’s level. There should be a few classes of enemies inferior/ normal/ superior and boss. Inferior monsters will be skewers, bears, mud crabs and a few other weak enemies. These will level slower in comparison to the player and will be a challenge for the first few levels but later in the game as the player will pull further away they will become easy. Normal monster will work similar to inferior monster but the level gap would take longer to grow. Superior enemies will keep up with the player throughout the game. Boss enemies will always be a few levels above the player and the gap will not change throughout the game.
Here are some suggestions to which categories enemies should belong to:
Inferior: Skewers, Wolfs, Beggars, Bears, Honkers...
Normal: Bandits, Townsfolk, Merchants, Necromancers, Vampires...
Superior: Giants, Mammoths, maybe some variations of enemies above...
Boss: Final Dungeon Bosses, Dragons, Dragon priests...
Ideas to which categories skills belong in:
Combat: Heavy/Light armour, One/Two handed weapons, Block, Sneak (?), Destruction...
Support: Conjuration(?), Smiting, Alchemy, Enchanting, Alteration, Illusion...
Non-Combat: Lock picking, Speech...
Anyway these are all the skills/enemies I could think of on the spot if I missed one out let me know who and where they belong.
If you have a better idea let me know and I’ll throw it in.
This is a theoretical discussion as I don’t think Bethesda could patch this but maybe modders with a creation kit could possibly implement this in the future.