My current system specs are
gtx 570
i7 2600 processor
8GB ram (1333)
solid state hard drive
power: 750
Downloaded the most recent video driver upgrade
in addition, using fraps, i was able to record the following frame rates (ALL WITH ULTRA SETTINGS)
1) with direct x 11 and high res textures off, FPS=40-50 even during action scenes
2) with direct x 11 off and high res textures on, FPS = 35-50 (including action scenes)
3) with direct x 11 on, and high res textures off FPS = low 20s to 30s/40s
4) with both ON, during action scenes, <20FPS
Also, i use Vsync ON because otherwise i get lines across the monitor (benq GL2440)
With these system setting, am i able to run crysis 2 with the new upgrade on ULTRA settings and the high resolution textures?? Because currently, it is not possible to due to lag/jerky response