Patch 1.2 is great, thank you Bethesda!

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:08 am

Broken resistances/weaknesses is 100x worse than almost everything fixed in the patch. With the exception of the PS3 performance issues, nothing on the list of fixes for the patch were game breaking bugs. Resistances and weaknesses are a fundamental game mechanic, them breaking is a big deal and people have the right to be upset. Though some people do overreact a little bit heh. Not being able to resist damage when you have resistance for it is a game breaker. Textures not looking as pretty as they should in some places is not, it has no effect on game mechanics or gameplay.

Texture not looking as pretty as they should? WHAT TEXTURES?! I had dragons that looked like it was from a DS game they had NO textures just two solid colours! The rest game looked like a pool mud.

Let me paint a picture. When you are playing you have two outputs: sound and video if one of these is screwed up it can destroy the game. And before you say mechanics are more important than graphics. The game svcks it is a disgrace to the elder scrolls series in terms of mechanics but you know what now the pretty graphics and some of the familiar features that were broth back can distract me enough that I don’t notice how [censored] this game is in general.

You can play just fine without your magic resistance. You see that big glowing fireball coming towards you, here is an idea step aside!
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stevie trent
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:16 am

Hi there! My xbox 360 would like to point out how much of an idiotic post this is! Ok carry on!

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Jinx Sykes
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:23 pm

How can you tell? My Breton still lists her racial resistance as an active effect. What sort of testing has been done to determine that it's not actually working (if it's not)?

It doesn't compute, even if it's listed. Summon up any atronarch and shoot a spell of the same element at them. They are no longer resistant. I killed a flame with one fire breath. Also, find any mage dungeon. Go in and track how much damage a spell does. Easiest are things like a firebolt spell or something. Leave and go get the Lord sign, which is supposed to boost magic resistance. Return to that cave and check spell damage again. Your resistance doesn't compute.
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Ella Loapaga
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:29 pm

soooooo......your saying i should not download the patch??
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:02 pm

It doesn't compute, even if it's listed. Summon up any atronarch and shoot a spell of the same element at them. They are no longer resistant. I killed a flame with one fire breath. Also, find any mage dungeon. Go in and track how much damage a spell does. Easiest are things like a firebolt spell or something. Leave and go get the Lord sign, which is supposed to boost magic resistance. Return to that cave and check spell damage again. Your resistance doesn't compute.

Are you using a new game started after 1.2 or an older game started during 1.1?
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RAww DInsaww
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:51 am

Texture not looking as pretty as they should? WHAT TEXTURES?! I had dragons that looked like it was from a DS game they had NO textures just two solid colours! The rest game looked like a pool mud.

Let me paint a picture. When you are playing you have two outputs: sound and video if one of these is screwed up it can destroy the game. And before you say mechanics are more important than graphics. The game svcks it is a disgrace to the elder scrolls series in terms of mechanics but you know what now the pretty graphics and some of the familiar features that were broth back can distract me enough that I don’t notice how [censored] this game is in general.

You can play just fine without your magic resistance. You see that big glowing fireball coming towards you, here is an idea step aside!

Funny that you tell people they can play fine without the resistances. When you just trashed the game, said it svcks, is a disgrace and is such a terrible game. If the pretty graphics are the thing that distracts you from the terrible game and keeps you playing, I can say this to you.

You can have pretty graphics just fine without your textures. You see the closest window to you? That big open space on the other side it? Here's an idea, go look around out there! I hear the graphics are immaculate.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:43 am

There are way too many complaints about this patch; personally I think we should praise Bethesda for doing their best. They had a few major bugs that needed fixing and they had to do it fast I don’t mean oh my quest is stuck or some item fell through the ground, I mean bugs that destroyed the game. For the first time I found myself exploring and getting into the game and I must say, it’s a pretty good game you made and thanks for getting the patch out as soon as possible.

Yes, thanks for rushing with a patch that was not tested to fix bugs in a game that was rushed and not very well tested. Thank you for "doing your best" to turn a profit at the expensive of quality.

The more I play this game (aside from the bugs), the more I feel like Oblivion was actually not that bad in comparison. You had a hell of a lot more options to make the character you wanted to make and most of the side quests were much better, especially the guild quests. The combat in both games is terrible, and the only thing that has improved is Archery, yet due to the spell system Oblivion wins in that area too. Then again, vanilla Oblivion is still unplayable even without mods, but the only thing this game has going for it is the aesthetics. The perk system isn't very good, nor is it balanced in any way and most of the quests are just fedex and boring.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:10 pm

Once again they had to make it quick to get it to us as soon as possible, they probably had people working 24 hour days to figure it out and fix it. They fixed the literal game breakers but broke *gasp* magic resistance... WOW the game is unplayable...

Why don’t you turn the difficulty down just before each spell hits you and pretend that you still have your resistance...

The approval of the patch took 95% of the time so don't go think OMG THEY HAD THREE WEEKS TO FIX EVERYTHING!!! becouse they did not and they did the best they could with the time they had. I am glad that they did it this way.

Whoowee, it did not take three weeks to take my money, funny how that works is it not

real sure it came out of my account OMG THE NEXT DAY!!!

wonder if I ask to download the game today and ""pay""" OMG THREE WEEKS LATER!!!! if they would agree to that :shrug:

I am not that up in the air about the whole thing really, its just people trying to paint everything rose red when its not

I don't mind paying for the game and have really enjoyed it mostly

two things that bugger me up though bad patch and most of all the lack of any feed back from Bethesda

the patch broke more than it fixed period....

don't post on here saying how wonderful it all is because its not OMG
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:12 pm

Yeah, this has gotten a bit snipey and bickering, since it has accumulated a few reports. I'mlocking it, if I have time to clean it up, I will, but I am a bit busy atm. Sorry.
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