My Lydia and I have been at it all day every day since I started my very first character on launch night. She has always been at my side and really provides a nice companion for my Jack of Many, Master of none type character. But unfortunately I think I have broken Lydia's back from all the "Burdens" I have her carrying around.
Whenever I go into the trade menu with lydia and try to give her something the button has no effect. Im on the PC and I have the 360 controller hooked up and its been working flawlessly from day one, I tried disabling the controller and trying the KB and M but with the same results, the R key does nothing...
I know it has nothing to do with her carrying to much, because we just came through a city and I cleared both of our loads of junk. Plus I actually discovered this glitch while showing my nephew lydias face by removing her helmet, but she wouldn't take it back...
Ive restarted my game several times, replaced both INI files with fresh ones to no avail. Loading a previous save from quite a ways back shows lydia refusing to take by burdens retroactively...
Has anyone else had this problem?
I suppose I am going to start a new character... Any Ideas?