In my time of playing Fallout New Vegas, it was great, but the mood was always turned off because the game play movement was SO DAMN CLUNKY....When I pressed the the anologue stick forward, my person would leap and then run, like there was only two speeds. If you don't understand, go on now, and slowly push the move stick forward, and you'll see the "jump" I'm talking about. Another thing that really grinds my gears, is when im using the cowboy repeater, or the revolver, and after i reload, the gun stops bouncing, almost like it's floating. Very Buggy

BETHESDA/ OBSIDIAN- PLEASE fix these bugs, and game play! It's difficult to deal with these things when you just want to explore and play.
Please share your buggy problems here, and let's try and get Bethesda to help become aware and FIX these problems!