Bethesda told us they are watching and reading. They aren't really commenting on anything we happen to post though which is keeping us in the dark. There is a hardware issues forum but that isn't for bugs necessarily so we aren't sure where to post things. There's a spoilers forum (if your bug happens to give away a spoiler), there's general discussion (where your post gets swallowed up in a matter of seconds and never be seen) but we need a dedicated forum for this. Sounds logical to me to have one specific easy-to-find location for the developers AND the fans. This isn't a petition by any means but I would like people to comment (if they agree) and see if it stays up long enough on the front page for Bethesda to notice. Things need to be organized, steam-lined and simple.
I wish there was some way to get issues reported more efficiently. Also, a regularly updated known issues list, along with a list of things they refuse to change would be nice.
Yeah, I added a bug reporting thread, but it got swallowed up in seconds lol. 99% of people using this forum just don't want to be helpful, they'd rather rant.
how so? Hardware issues CAN be bugs but not limited to bugs. Bugs are more of a software problem.. a problem with the code. Now a bug in the software can react poorly to your hardware or a particular piece of hardware but that doesn't make hardware issues bugs. Sometimes hardware issues are from problems with the person's own hardware itself and is in no relation to the software.
how so? Hardware issues CAN be bugs but not limited to bugs. Bugs are more of a software problem.. a problem with the code. Now a bug in the software can react poorly to your hardware or a particular piece of hardware but that doesn't make hardware issues bugs. Sometimes hardware issues are from problems with the person's own hardware itself and is in no relation to the software.
Look at the name of the section. "Skyrim Hardware AND SOFTWARE Issues Subforum"
It's not dedicated to bugs and suggestions. It's including hardware in with it and on top of that separating all the platforms. My point still stands that it isn't simple or organized. They still have to skim through just to find whether something is hardware or software. Oh and yes I am kidding you aren't I hilarious? <3
It's not dedicated to bugs and suggestions. It's including hardware in with it and on top of that separating all the platforms. My point still stands that it isn't simple or organized. They still have to skim through just to find whether something is hardware or software. Oh and yes I am kidding you aren't I hilarious? <3
Agree, it could be split into one more subsection. But at that point it's really just splitting hairs, especially seeing how some bugs can crop up because some of the software is incompatible with the hardware. Which is why most game support sections ask for system specs when reporting a bug.
It's alright if people don't agree with me. I am cool with that. I just live by the saying "If you can't say something nice, go play Call of Duty on Xbox live"