Occupy Bethesda - game fail

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:32 am

I really think a video game is not as important as the real life protests going on.
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:33 pm

This thread confuses me. What does the OP want? OP, what are you asking for here? Obviously we can't "occupy" a video game, unless you intend to occupy the studio. Which... you can't, because it's private property.
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Penny Flame
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:25 pm

Lets see. New buggy patch which makes buggy untested game (and NO you didn't test it.. by testing I mean the GAME - not spot loads but booting it up and hitting New Game)
and an untested patch..

You have nothing to back this up. And don't say anything to the effect of "Have you played the game?" because I am having no issues. Some random crashes, but that is just an annoyance for me, nothing really deterring me from playing the game.

So lets see some sources for this claim the game was not tested.
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IsAiah AkA figgy
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:55 pm

You have nothing to back this up. And don't say anything to the effect of "Have you played the game?" because I am having no issues. Some random crashes, but that is just an annoyance for me, nothing really deterring me from playing the game.

So lets see some sources for this claim the game was not tested.

There are some websites that report some dragons are flying backwards, and the magic resistance on your armor are bugged and do not work, making fights against dragons harder.
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Josh Lozier
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:42 pm

There are some websites that report some dragons are flying backwards, and the magic resistance on your armor are bugged and do not work, making fights against dragons harder.

I never said those things didnt happen or werent present. Ive not been able to tell not have I seen a backwards dragon.

And that is not any proof the game wasn't tested. Bugs do not denote lack of testing.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:58 pm

Why do you keep bringing up a backwards flying dragon like that's a bad thing? That would be a hilarious sight to see.
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:55 am

Pointing out that there are bugs does not make any sort of claim to how prevalent they are. From what I can tell, only a few people have seen the backwards dragons. Not only that, but it's only on the PS3. That's hardly any kind of evidence that the patch "wasn't tested."
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:10 pm

IGN took a poll asking how many people were experiencing problems with Skyrim, of the people who voted 75% had problems, of that 75% a quarter of the people had gamebreaking issues. Pretty damn big numbers
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:10 pm

Got a point, i have only run into a couple minor issues, and none of it was gamebreaking.

For the sheer scope of the game and everything that is going on, I think Bethesda has done a great job.

Well said mate
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:34 pm

IGN took a poll asking how many people were experiencing problems with Skyrim, of the people who voted 75% had problems, of that 75% a quarter of the people had gamebreaking issues. Pretty damn big numbers

Firstly, that's not a random sample at all. That's 75% of the people that decided to bother with that poll were having issues. And the people that even saw the poll in the first place isn't a random sample either, because that consists of people that are online searching for Skyrim information. Already, that whole group are probably users that need information for one thing or another that's bothering them about the game.

If you want a random sample, you need to start sending out surveys to a selection of players. Maybe hang out at a gamestop for a few days and pass out a survey sheet to everyone that buys the game. That's a random sample

Secondly, what did they use as the definition of gamebreaking? There are several million people playing this game on each of 3 platforms. A few hundred responses to an online poll is not representative of anything.
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Ann Church
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:09 am

IGN took a poll asking how many people were experiencing problems with Skyrim, of the people who voted 75% had problems, of that 75% a quarter of the people had gamebreaking issues. Pretty damn big numbers

Polls on the internet are never wrong. Add to that the fact that the people who are in the non-broken group are much less likely to be on IGN, and then of course the people who think the smallest thing is "gamebreaking"....
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Daniel Brown
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:10 pm

IGN took a poll asking how many people were experiencing problems with Skyrim, of the people who voted 75% had problems, of that 75% a quarter of the people had gamebreaking issues. Pretty damn big numbers

3 out of 4 is 75%
300 out of 400 is 75%

Percentage means nothing.
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:57 am

Not having any problems on my end. And I'm on PC.

Dunno what your problem is, other than complaining.
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Dan Scott
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:44 am

steam updating when you had selected no = valve problem, not bethesda.
its been an issue for years now, one that valve doesnt fix. valve forums are that way ------>
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Emerald Dreams
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:37 am

Ya know, this whole thread concept is just ridiculous. People have to consider this:
You paid $60 dollars for this game. Sixty. That's it. That means that Bethesda owes you exactly sixty dollars worth of effort. Think about that:

If I paid you sixty dollars right now, what would I get? Maybe I could get you to mow my lawn. You know what else costs sixty dollars? One tank of gas. I use that up in about a week. Likewise, sixty dollars might get me lunch... for about a week.

So some people need to stop acting like they paid thousands of dollars for a lifetime subscription to some gold club. You didn't. If you add up Bethesda's operating budget and the number of dollars paid to their programmers, they probably only owed you about 10 minutes worth of effort. With Skyrim, you've got way more than that.

So not only do you have way more from them than they ever owed you in the first place, but you've got way more than $60 will buy you just about anywhere else. You've got the best deal for sixty dollars that you will ever get in your life. Stop acting like you are entitled to more. Compare it to music? You'll be playing Skyrim for years, probably 5 or 6 years. Itunes charges $1 for a song, maybe a little more for the good ones. That's the cheapest that music has ever been in its history. Could you live for the next six years on sixty songs? Fifty, if you only bought good ones? I didn't think so.

Is the game perfect? Of course not. Nothing is. No single thing ever built by man is perfect. Considering that video games are some of the most complex systems ever conceived by the human mind, I think they've done pretty damned well to get the game operating in millions of different homes in dozens of languages all over the planet. For sixty lousy dollars, that's just damn impressive. That's all I've got to say about that one.

If you disagree, well, whatever.
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:38 pm

You.....you know it's just a computer game, right?
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:17 pm

There is a huge flaw in this forum. Most of the negative people say it's a trait of Bethesda to release buggy games, meaning they know that AND THEY STIILl BUY IT then moan when it has bugs.?!?!

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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:16 am

I am starting to think they should ban people who keep posting about bugs. I am getting really annoyed to find that every friggen thread in the forum is "I hate you now Bethesda" "this game is horrible" or "You should apologize and give us free stuff Bethesda" I HAVE NOT HAD EVEN ONE GAME BREAKING BUG, AND I AM 136 HOURS IN!

Please people stop this incesant whining, Bethesda cares about us a whole hell of a lot more than a company like EA does. Open world games are Buggy by nature, you can do all of the testing you want, you are not going to catch every little bug. I love how you all blame Bethesda for every little tiny problem to, "I saved over my save, damn it Bethesda it is your fault!"
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