A True Thank you, Bethesda

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:11 pm

I HAD posted this in the Oblivion forum. DOH!

Thank you Bethesda

Amid all of the rants, venom and rage (most of which really is justified) I wanted to drop a "thank you" note to Bethesda. You all have really delivered with Skyrim. Skyrim is everything I could have hoped for and more. Every time I load up the game I am truly whisked away to another world and find myself wanting to jump through my screen and never leave. So for that, thank you so much!

I know there is a lot of anger and a lot of frustration in the PC sections of the forums (I've not checked the console sections, so I cannot speak for them). And there ARE problems with the game, a whole hell of a lot of problems. From the crashes (luckily I've found work-arounds for them) and quest breaking bugs (I've not found work-arounds for these unfortunately), but I have faith you'll eventually get all of the kinks ironed out. I know that a game this big and all encompassing, with its myriad of interconnecting quests, factions, reactions, etc. must make fixing things a nightmare. But again, I have faith you'll address them all.

I've been a supporter since Daggerfall and have bought every game for the PC. I buy your games for the PC for two reasons: First, because I know I'll be able to tweak out the settings to make it as immersive as my PC will allow. And secondly, because I know that you always release a construction set and that the mods will slowly start pouring in. And it was the mods that kept me playing Morrowind until Oblivion was released, and Oblivion until Skyrim was released. Because of the mods I've gotten more hours out of these two games than any game I've ever owned.

So I salute you and thank you for not only releasing on the PC, but also sharing the construction sets with us.

And kudos to you for making Skyrim the best open-world RPG I've ever experienced. Even with all of the game crashes and quest bugs, I friggin' LOVE this game. And that's saying something. ;)
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Kat Ives
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:42 am

I agree completely

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{Richies Mommy}
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:30 am

Finally someone not being completely stupid. I couldn't agree with you more, I love bethesda games
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Heather M
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:50 pm

BETHESDA HAVE MY BABIES!!!!!!! But seriously, seriously sweet games
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benjamin corsini
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:19 pm

Kudos to the you OP. I got into Bethesda when I got Morrowind for Christmas once and I have loved them ever since.
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:54 pm

I know there is a lot of anger and a lot of frustration in the PC sections of the forums (I've not checked the console sections, so I cannot speak for them). And there ARE problems with the game, a whole hell of a lot of problems. From the crashes (luckily I've found work-arounds for them) and quest breaking bugs (I've not found work-arounds for these unfortunately), but I have faith you'll eventually get all of the kinks ironed out. I know that a game this big and all encompassing, with its myriad of interconnecting quests, factions, reactions, etc. must make fixing things a nightmare. But again, I have faith you'll address them all.

I too am grateful for Bethesda's games and their construction sets, but that does not excuse releasing a flawed patch that has caused more issues than it has solved. Gaming sites, like Kotaku, are now reporting the problem. This is a major publicity concern for Bethesda.

While I can tell your topic and your heart are in the right place, the fact of the matter is Bethesda screwed up, period.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:31 pm

I honestly think that some of the people who are constantly going on and on about how horrible Skyrim an Bethesda is are working for some other game agency, they are simply trying to bring a negative light to a great thing.
No doubt Skyrim could be improved, but what game couldn't? I'm going to get more gameplay hours out of Skyrim than any game since Oblivion... or possibly even Final Fantasy 7... and that was about 14 years ago lol
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:23 pm

Used to love skyrim, now, after patch can't play it. It's ashame
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:21 pm

And the rest of us, who had actually expectations for this game, will thank Bethesda when they release a patch that fixes the game and the horrible ungodly bad UI.

But so far, two patches in, and all the patches do is break stuff.

Still waiting Bethesda, still regret paying 10 dollars more than the average game price to play this.

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Josh Trembly
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:00 am

And the rest of us, who had actually expectations for this game, will thank Bethesda when they release a patch that fixes the game and the horrible ungodly bad UI.

But so far, two patches in, and all the patches do is break stuff.

Still waiting Bethesda, still regret paying 10 dollars more than the average game price to play this.


Poor baby.

My expectations for this game were through the roof, and it's the most amazing thing I've ever played.

So go take your "horrible ungodly bad UI" and get over it.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:08 am

I honestly think that some of the people who are constantly going on and on about how horrible Skyrim an Bethesda is are working for some other game agency, they are simply trying to bring a negative light to a great thing.
No doubt Skyrim could be improved, but what game couldn't? I'm going to get more gameplay hours out of Skyrim than any game since Oblivion... or possibly even Final Fantasy 7... and that was about 14 years ago lol

....just wow. Are there people honestly this deluded in the world? No, let's not use the "no game is perfect" excuse. This game didn't launch close to perfect, not remotely.

The game launched with a broken backwards UI, with nonexistant graphics options, horrible mouse controls, and little to no PC support. Every patch since then has broken the game more, and more, and more.

Let's not forget the broken development promises...again? Seriously Bethesda. This is why people pirate your games, because they're getting the better experience, while your DRM and sloppy patches kill the game for the rest of us.

Instead of rushing more DRM out the door, why don't you take 3 seconds to code a competent UI?
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:58 am

Poor baby.

My expectations for this game were through the roof, and it's the most amazing thing I've ever played.

So go take your "horrible ungodly bad UI" and get over it.

Ha, right. My expectations were "This'll be better than Oblivion probably, but not as good as Morrowind." What I didn't expect was such an unfinished unsupported PC version. No mod tools yet, all fixes break the game. No, I can't even judge this game on the gameplay (which is where I figured it'd be, between Morrowind and Oblivion) because I can't actually access the damn game. The bugs aside, I didn't expect a UI this bad. And if you wanna try to defend the UI... you're out of your mind, no question about it. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2011/11/14/user-interfarce-skyrims-silly-choices/

But, it's typical for someone like you to be so selfish to say "well my expectations were dirt low, and I'm having fun, screw everyone else's problems!"
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:49 am

Amid all of the rants, venom and rage (most of which really is justified) I wanted to drop a "thank you" note to Bethesda. You all have really delivered with Skyrim. Skyrim is everything I could have hoped for and more. Every time I load up the game I am truly whisked away to another world and find myself wanting to jump through my screen and never leave. So for that, thank you so much!

Bump- agreed. Total advocate since Daggerfall, and arguably better-mannered :)
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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:02 am

I too am grateful for Bethesda's games and their construction sets, but that does not excuse releasing a flawed patch that has caused more issues than it has solved. Gaming sites, like Kotaku, are now reporting the problem. This is a major publicity concern for Bethesda.

While I can tell your topic and your heart are in the right place, the fact of the matter is Bethesda screwed up, period.

You are right, the game on the PC is FULL of bugs and crashes. And for those hit the hardest by the bugs, it svcks big time. And from what I'm seeing, the new patch caused more bugs than it fixed. We can all argue for months and years about whether the game was rushed, whether the first two patches were worth a damn. But I'd say TRY to be patient. I know it's hard, I know it svcks. Especially when you REALLY want to play the game. Especially when you feel you've been cheated out of your money because you cannot play the game. I get that. I'm pissed too... I've got several quests in my log that I cannot complete because they've broke. I got really, really lucky on the crashes as I made a back up of my original .exe, and it seems to be the one that is the most stable (with the LAA patch for me).

But, again, Skyrim is a HUGE game, and so, so many things are intertwined. I can easily imagine the crew at Bethesda pulling their hair out just trying to figure out where to start in tracking down what is causing all the problems and trying to figure out how the hell they'll fix them. I know that's not going to make those who are super pissed feel any better, but there it is.

The only thing we can do is to give Bethesda time and see whether they will do right by us and get everything fixed, and heck, maybe even throw in a bit extra for all the heart-ache? Who knows? But I for one DO appreciate what they've accomplished with Skyrim and just wanted to say thanks, and let them know that at least one of us out here is waiting patiently (with no fires and pitchforks yet) in hopes that soon they will resolve the issues.
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James Wilson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:56 am

I honestly think that some of the people who are constantly going on and on about how horrible Skyrim an Bethesda is are working for some other game agency, they are simply trying to bring a negative light to a great thing.
No doubt Skyrim could be improved, but what game couldn't? I'm going to get more gameplay hours out of Skyrim than any game since Oblivion... or possibly even Final Fantasy 7... and that was about 14 years ago lol

I don't know about that. I'd imagine that many of the people out there that are pissed more than have the right to be pissed. If my Skyrim wasn't working at ALL, or crashing all the time, I'm sure I'd be madder than hell too. So they DO have the right to be mad, and if Bethesda does not fix the issues in a somewhat timely manner, the anger will surely only get worse. And if that were the case, well, let's just hope it does not get there.

I think a lot of people are pissed because they've gotten a small taste between crashes and bugs of how good the game actually is, but, because of those crashes and bugs, are not able to play it for any stretch of time. Couple that with the fact that they've paid money for the experience, and it's understandable. It's like making someone pay for a taste of something really sweet and then taking it away from them. that's bound to get people fired up.

I think Bethesda will fix the issues, but I'll bet it takes them longer than many are willing to accept.

And then, of course, we'll always have the vocal minority that are never happy with anything. You give those people gold and they'd still [censored]. And while those people are here and exist on these very forums, I think many people really are having serious issues that need to be fixed.

But I just made the original post to let the Beth crew know, that in spite of all of these issues (and once again, there are MANY), I still LOVE this game. Only a game THIS GOOD could make me put up with these kinds of issues. When Bethesda can get all of the problems fixed, it will be one for the ages. ;)
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:18 am

I still think it inane to thank a business for their service. Typically it is the business which thanks its customers for their patronage. Customers show their support by buying the product and have a right to expect that product to be bug-free and to live up to claims. People complain on the forum when the product does not live up to the standards they expected, its not whining, its their right. People need to stop turning around the dynamics of a business transaction, Bethseda did not give you anything, you bought it, you have a right to expect quality and to complain when its lacking..period.
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