TOP: Galmar and Kaliah. BOTTOM: Farengar or whatever, Balgrufs court wizard and the guy that usually voices elves, dunno the name or examples but Periyte has the same voice actor.
Speaking of stuck up, one of those altmers (or Thalmor) is Meredith from Dragon Age 2...
Yeah, I first noticed that voice when I ran into Meridia the daedra, she's a great fit for that role. The elf voice I'm talking about though is usually a shopkeeper, like the outdoor general merchant in Windhelm.
That being said, every single khajiit voice in the game is incredible, all of the work on the voices of the Daedric princes was excellent too. (particularly a certain prince of madness...)
This. I absolutely love the voice of Kesh the Clean at Peryite's Shrine. For some reason they just make me smile