Ring's, I can only wear one?!

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:35 pm

I tried to wear two rings. But then I took an arrow to the knee.
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:46 am

Yes, the bow zooms. Look in archery

Yes there is a main quest, sounds like your on a side quest

Good looking Homie!

But I am pretty sure looking for flowers IS the main quest because the dude that needs it said it was really important. Plus he had on a fancy shirt so I know he is a pretty big deal in Skyrim.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:11 am

I tried to wear two rings. But then I took an arrow to the knee.

Have you see those warriors from Cyrodil? They wear two rings! Two! Rings!
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:43 pm

Have you see those warriors from Cyrodil? They wear two rings! Two! Rings!

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barbara belmonte
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:46 pm

You only have eight fingers, two thumbs. ;)

It wouldnt be a good idea to wear rings on your thunbs as they would restrict your movement, I would say the same more or less for the little finger.
Nitpicking aside, it is about balance and not allowing your character to become overpowered. (though that is easy to do anway regardless)
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:35 pm

You only have eight fingers, two thumbs. ;)

It wouldnt be a good idea to wear rings on your thunbs as they would restrict your movement, I would say the same more or less for the little finger.
Nitpicking aside, it is about balance and not allowing your character to become overpowered. (though that is easy to do anway regardless)

And what of my big toe ring? You know what would be cool? If random people had shout tattoos on their bodies but you wouldn't know it unless you took their cloths but once you did you could learn a new shout.....that would be cool.
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stevie trent
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:32 pm

They should at least have kept the two ring rule. :/
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:21 pm

Is your character male? Those rings aren't for his fingers...
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:23 am

Is your character male? Those rings aren't for his fingers...

And a triangle has 4 sides
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:54 am

You only have eight fingers, two thumbs. ;)

It wouldnt be a good idea to wear rings on your thunbs as they would restrict your movement, I would say the same more or less for the little finger.
Nitpicking aside, it is about balance and not allowing your character to become overpowered. (though that is easy to do anway regardless)

Sure, 8 fingers....2 thumbs...and 2 ears...because you should be able to wear earrings! Get it? get it???

In all seriousness, since they gutted enchantments to be all but worthless, it hardly seems worth it to have more than a single ring. On the other hand (get it, another joke) when the construction kit finally gets released...hopefully before the 360 sees its second DLC...a second ring might be worth it once a flood of new enchantments are made.

I miss the days of throwing a flame spell onto a ring....or how about a ring of paralyze self? How about being able to make spells 'touch' or 'ranged' or 'self'...

this game is lacking so much in the spell/enchantment area :(
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Nina Mccormick
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:55 pm

They created an enchanting system that would make your character a lot stronger than intended if he or she were to wear more than one ring. Why? Seems like a faulty design to me. Cap the high-range of enchantments for rings and allow people to wear at least two -- fixed, easy.
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:27 pm

I have 10 fingers!

Is there a logical reason that I can not wear more, I guess you could argue the same about amulets but really who what's to run around Skyrim looking like Mr..T.....(I do). With that being said I am sure it has to be a bug/glitch that I can't wear all of these chains and ring's.

Side note: isn't there a glitch that lets you wear more than one thing?

Random stuff:

A mirror shield would have been awesome..reflect [censored] back at peeps.

Love sprint! why no sprint jump?

Wish I could throw my sword.

Does the bow zoom in?

LOL! I jumped my horse off a mountain! he died but I LIVED!!! awesome wish they had theater mode on Skyrim!!

30+ hours in....is there a main quest? currently searching for some kind of flowers or something....I hope this pay off.

1. They should at least let you have 1 ring per hand. I think they did this for balancing I guess.
2. Mirror shield is a good idea. Or just differetn shields that reflect certain magic idk.
3. Sprint jump should've been included as well. Feels wierd without it.
4. You can throw your sword by dropping it, then picking it up and haphazardly tossing it in the general direction of an enemy lol. Maybe specific "throwing" weapons would be better. Like they had in previous games.
5. The bow does zoom in, it's a perk later down the skill tree. It slows down time too.
6. A "main" quest does exist, yet for some reason the game keeps side-tracking and losign players in it's overwhelming awesome world.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:48 am

I wouldn't know, never played AC:B. I was thinking more like a finishing move or instead of dropping weak weapons you threw them. Maybe even like the bow, you could hold down the attack button for the range and release to throw.

It was ridiculous he could impale a guard about 1/4 of a mile a way with a weapon that was bigger than him.
I know your point but its impractical and impossible to throw and sword throw someone. Unless it was incredibly sharp it would be like throwing a sledgehammer at them. You could use magic or a shout like 'Fus Do Rah' to power the sword through someone but then you're without a weapon.
It's a cool idea I'll agree but thinking practically its not really credible.
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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:46 pm

Have you see those warriors from Cyrodil? They wear two rings! Two! Rings!

Blasphemy. Silly talk. I've yet to meet these Cyrodilic, two-ring-wearing warriors you speak of. After all, it only makes sense that only one ring can be worn (despite having two hands). And that one ring can only be worn the right hand, on a certain finger. If placed on the left hand or upon any other finger, it will slip right off or simply not fit.

Hey, they let you do this in other RPGs (two rings, one amulet and one pair of earrings).
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:12 pm

Yeah I can understand not having 10 rings for balance reasons but at the very least one on each hand couldn't hurt... this is the same company that used to differentiate between left and right pauldrons lol.

I agree they should let you wear one ring on each hand. That would be a perfect balance.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:00 pm

I miss the days of throwing a flame spell onto a ring....or how about a ring of paralyze self? How about being able to make spells 'touch' or 'ranged' or 'self'...

this game is lacking so much in the spell/enchantment area :(

I agree. If you're so stupid to enchant a ring with for example a flame spell and put it on, you should be able to accept living with your @ss on fire. It's what brings in the funniness.

about the topic: Yes, you should be able to wear two rings. If you wear a beautiful ring which sets you on fire because you 'accidentally' put a flame spell on it, then we should at least be able to wear another ring which has a water spell enchanted to it to negate the effect. :teehee:
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vicki kitterman
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:35 pm

Yeah I can understand not having 10 rings for balance reasons but at the very least one on each hand couldn't hurt... this is the same company that used to differentiate between left and right pauldrons lol.

Frankly, I'm surprised there hasn't been a "WTF's a pauldron?" reply to this.

(Answers on a postcard.)

On topic: enchanted nose rings for orcs?
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