I'm going to open up with a small note on how profitable hunting is.. or isn't:
Too little profit from hunting?
We've all seen what big creeps are out there, just waiting for us to hunt them down and turn their skin and meet into profit! My only problem with them is, however, that you don't actually get.. nearly anything.. for hunting down stuff like trolls and bears, wolves, deers and mammoths. This is partly because the value of the items is so ridiculously low, you can't make profit from it if you sell it. Troll fat, 15 gold. Sell it for.. 7 gold. Kill a bandit, loot his stuff and sell all his armors and weapons and you'd get easily over 100 even if you were level 1. In order to make hunting these terrifying creatures more enjoyable, I'd want the reward to be quite a fair bit bigger than it is. The book 'killing trolls' or something similar, states selling the fat is quite a good source of income. Well, it's not. You'd have to kill over 100 trolls to be able to train one skill level. I haven't even seen that many trolls in 150 hours of Skyrim! This isn't just a thing about trolls though, wolves suffer from this too. Wolves give virtually no money at all, even if you make leather from the skin. Only when you make armor from it (such as a fur helmet) will you be able to get at least some money for it. I'd say, add a few misc items to the wolves and trolls and horkers and mammoths and all other things that moves around on four legs, that weight very little and can be used to make hunting these animals profitable. Currently, you can chop one piece of wood and make twice as much money that you'd get from killing a wolf.
But enough of that. What did you hunt down today? :teehee: