singleplayer is ultralooking and fine so you can keep my money. BUT multiplayer is fkin waste of any effort you did. I think everything is related to netcode.. Its just "ERRR" when you get hit behind the corner (not shoted through debris). Get melee′d all the time by 200+ pinger and so on bla bla...
Yes Crytek you can do AWW-fkin-some engines, but you svck at making games (No I cant do my self better, but i paid money for this super hype product).
End of QQ and yes i will proly uninstall (w8ing until next patch) the game coz singleplayer job was done.
I′m aware of other similar topics, but I just wanted to send this message to THEM and die of this forums, so no worries pals.
P.S. I′m not COD kid, playing Unreal/quake games since day 1. Cry2 was promising, WAS..