What the $%&k?!?!?!

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:12 pm

Ok so I downloaded the 1.02 version patch because my game had frame rate drops....after playing it for 4-6 hrs I realized now not only do I have the same frame rate drops but now my game is freezing to the point that I have to shut my ps3 down and restart. now I figured that I would just delete the update but here is where it gets even stupider partly on my fault but I only keep one save file and continuously save over that file so after I deleted the update and tryed to reload my game it got to 100% loading and then I got a wonderful message basicly saying I have to download the update to continue playing and the game wont let me play my save file what so ever until I do....so my choices are delete my 64 hr game and restart without the update or continue on with glitches from hell....what to do what to do? any suggestions would help...
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SWagg KId
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:33 am

Don't update and make a new character that's different from your first. Once 1.03 comes, continue on the one you like the most.
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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:01 pm

There's tons of threads here on this subject, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/forum/182-playstation-3/.

I'm a PS3 player, 82 hours on my Level 17 Nord character, and am lucky I haven't seen any of hte problems others are seeing. But then again, as soon as I learned about the major bugs, I started "maintaining" my gamesave...keeping it low. I've been doing the following..

Saving often (I do this anyways)

Turn off any autosave functions

restart the game after saving every 2 hours (earth time) or so.

Deleted and then Re-installed Game Data from the disc (not Save Data...Game Data. It hsould be 4.3 mb or something like that)

Wait, wait wait. I'm hearing if you wait an entire month (wait 24 hours 30x, basically) this has been helping some players as it clears some back memory or something.

Before 1.02, I was only concentrating in the Riverwood/Whiterun area, so the game wouldn't be introduced to all this new memory to keep track of. I've seen 5.9 mb at the highest. But I'm noticing after the patch, my gamesave hasn't grown much at all, even with heavier exploring/adventuring. And if it does rise, it eventully starts to fall, averaging 5.5 MB.

If I revisit an area which has had stuff thrown about by my Nord, he'll pick it up and place it into a container which will most likely respawn at some point. AGain, this means there'll ultimately be less stuff about for the game to keep track of.

...If NONE OF THIS STUFF HELPS, I would start the game all over from scratch. svcks big time, but that's what I would do.
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