Who is tweeting bethsda about the patch?

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:48 pm

why did it post this twice....
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Setal Vara
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:34 pm

I don't care what the Patch did do, I care what about what it DID NOT do.

Overpowered this, overpowered that...

I seriously expected atleast a minor nerf.

Come on Bethesda, for gently caress sake...
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:57 pm

i haven't had any issues i guess im just lucky :shrug:
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:11 am

Haven't had any problems just yet.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:56 pm

don't forget Pete Hines, VP of Marketing at Bethesda. His twitter is DCDeacon

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jadie kell
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:44 pm

Maybe the resistance problem was an attempt to boost the destruction mage weakness that lots of people were complaining about?
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El Goose
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:00 pm

Pretty sure that flooding them with tweets, etc. is useless. I imagine they're busy assessing the problem, figuring out exactly what is causing it so that they can figure out how easily it can be fixed and what their best course is in the short-term, recalling the patch, pushing through some sort of quick fix, or leaving the patch in place while they work on another patch. Without knowing the source of the problem, it's hard to say how they should go about damage control. One complication is that different solutions are likely better for different gamers.

Personally, other than resistances apparently not working, the level of wonkiness I'm experiencing with the game is pretty much unchanged by the patch: oddities here and there but nothing I couldn't live with on a temporary basis.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:34 am

Social experiment? You're just putting people up to spam Bethesda... :facepalm:

hahaha, no not spam, just use their democratic right dude. :D

Also, I wanted to know WHO tweeted, or IF anyone had.

And if anyone wasn't going to, hence the poll/
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:15 pm

I don't use twitter, it's even worse than facebook in terms of emotional exhibitionism...

I agree, but devs seem to use it.

So let me get this straight, your using Twitter and "tweets" to tell Bethesda your upset over their terrible patch job, and not meaningful, actually useful means of complaining like calling them and writing emails?

Good luck, I hate this new generation.

Though granted, if the game were simply Morrowind 2 none of us would be suffering right now.

Read my full post and maybe you would have realized I put the official contact email in there.

My advice - leave them alone. They're obviously hard at work trying to fix the problem. Incessant whining on twitter won't help matters, and will only make the community look bad.

I don't think the devs use the twitter account, I mean PR when I talk about devs. Just a little acknowledgement is all people ask, you know?

"Yep, we are working on a fix, expect it in a month", would be welcoming for me IMHO.

Pretty sure that flooding them with tweets, etc. is useless. I imagine they're busy assessing the problem, figuring out exactly what is causing it so that they can figure out how easily it can be fixed and what their best course is in the short-term, recalling the patch, pushing through some sort of quick fix, or leaving the patch in place while they work on another patch. Without knowing the source of the problem, it's hard to say how they should go about damage control. One complication is that different solutions are likely better for different gamers.

Personally, other than resistances apparently not working, the level of wonkiness I'm experiencing with the game is pretty much unchanged by the patch: oddities here and there but nothing I couldn't live with on a temporary basis.

I don't think the PR team work on the game... all I would like to see is someone from PR to say "yep a patch will fix that issue".

Also, for some people resistances are key to beating dragons. I know my mage relies fully on her 100% resistance to fire armour kit, otherwise fighting regular dragons is useless.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:51 pm

Bethblog Twitter just wrote we should have some updated info soon.
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candice keenan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:00 pm

My advice - leave them alone. They're obviously hard at work trying to fix the problem. Incessant whining on twitter won't help matters, and will only make the community look bad.

How do you know they're hard at work, exactly? They haven't said a single word in response to the issues caused by the 1.2 patch. All I've seen from Bethesda so far is bragging about scores, or retweeting community videos of PRE1.2 footage. And how will leaving them alone solve the issues, anyway? The more feedback, the likelier the chance of seeing the major issues resolved.

My advice - Stop being a naive pacifist. You may not mind the atrocious mediocracy of their quality of service. But, many of us would like assurance that they're aware of the problems and their intent of resolution.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:58 pm

My advice - leave them alone. They're obviously hard at work trying to fix the problem. Incessant whining on twitter won't help matters, and will only make the community look bad.

I think it has been quite obvious that they have not been hard at work at all since they have not fixed crap, and in fact only made thing worse.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:52 pm

So let me get this straight, your using Twitter and "tweets" to tell Bethesda your upset over their terrible patch job, and not meaningful, actually useful means of complaining like calling them and writing emails?

Good luck, I hate this new generation.

Though granted, if the game were simply Morrowind 2 none of us would be suffering right now.

You sound like a crotchety old person.

I tweeted dissatisfaction with Comcast and got a reply within ten minutes and a free month of service for dealing with their crap phone tech service. It's just another medium through which to contact a company whose product you are experiencing difficulty with. It has nothing to do with "this new generation," and twitter is a fact of life now.
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Emily abigail Villarreal
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:15 pm

I have no issues with bugs my whole skyrim 60 hours

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Lucky Boy
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:48 pm

Bethblog Twitter just wrote we should have some updated info soon.

Cheers for the update
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