How many of the over-the-top-complainers on this forum do you really think would get all up in Todd's face, like: "WTF TODD!!!! YOU AND YOUR CREW FORGOT THIS AND THAT, THE GAME SUXS DONKEY BALLS. [censored] BUTHESDA". My guess is noone.
No one that I know of has said that here. Except, obviously, you.
In fact, no one in this thread, including the OP, specifically referred to any ACTUAL complaint or any ACTUAL individual who made one. Instead, the OP claims you've gotten a "Christmas present," and that everyone who has any problem with it is being childish. And, somewhat ironically, you are arguing that point in precisely the same way that an extraordinarily bratty six-year-old might. (Although, technically, you should have italicized the all-caps to represent shouting in a sing-songy voice to mock your opponent's imaginary argument - but that's really a minor distinction.)
BTW, I don't know or care what you have ever said to "Todd's" face, but you are more than welcome to speak to me in person with the same manners you're using right now. Please trust me when I tell you that I would have absolutely no problem with that whatsoever. It's only when you people are hundreds of miles outside convenient slapping radius that you're capable of being more than marginally irritating.