What a boring way to play a game.
Says you.
Here's what I do for "realism":
No map-based fast travel. Carriages are allowed.
Compass and crosshair are disabled. Pretty challenging for a bowman, actually, as I now need to use the tip of my arrow and knowledge of shooting style to judge my shots. For melee combat, it is hardly needed. Floating quest markers are disabled. Map quest markers are enabled (see below).
I don't access the map except immediately after a quest-giver has handed me a quest or I have been given an objective to travel somewhere. This serves as my "Get Directions" function.
I eat two times a day, with a beverage at dinner.
I sleep through the night whenever I can (although it is usually sporadic at the start while I slowly advance time to re-sync my clock. Due to a bug in the game, the day cycle is not synchronized with the clock).
I mostly walk when I'm traveling. Occasional jogs if I want to speed things up. This is rescinded if I need to follow an NPC who is flagged to run all the way to the destination.
I advance the quests in the game slowly. I stop often to do side-quests, improve skills, plunder dungeons, tackle some Radiant Story objectives, etc.
That is what is most fun for me.