Not sure what happened but suddenly today dragons all seemed to have gone nuts, they get"stuck" in mid air, can't seem to fly straight, fly backwards, fly away upside down in the middle of a fight, they don't land anymore, blast their fire or frost any which direction... and for the one time i used TCL to run after one, apparently can't be killed anymore, not even by console.
Is this from the new patch? any one else having this problem? and is their anything that i can do to fix it?
I am sorry to hear you are experiencing this bug. This bug was introduced in patch 1.2. I know him personally, he is bug #1942, and he really is not welcome with the rest of us lower count bugs. He is all new and flashy, getting all of the attention, while us simple bugs like myself are ignored.
I can assure you that the Bethesda team is working hard to fix this as you read this. But me on the other hand, I am a much lower priority on the bug squash list.