I kill stuff, smith stuff, run away from stuff, do dragon shouts at stuff and rid dungeons and caves of stuff.
But what of the NPC denizens of Skyrim?
What a bunch of boring toerags.
One bloke in Skyrim, leans against the Bricabrac shop 23 hours a days and has an hours sleep.
Could they not do a little more?
In Shenmue for the Dreamcast, if you went down to the town, they milled about, danced, went from shop to shop, pvssyd, opened and closed their business, went home did this that and the other.
The gits who live in Whiterun do very very little. Is this because there is nothing to do or because Beth simply didn't have the time to put more 'life' details into their towns?
I think that would add 100% to this game. Put a little soul into their cities and towns.
Take New Vegas, the soldiers whooping and dancing with the lap dancers in the street was lame. It's as if they couldn't think what people would ACTUALLY DO if they lived there and didn't give them anything to do anyway.
Shenmue recreated a busy lively town with soulfull NPC's that you really believed lived there.
I love Skyrim and don't care about any of the so called problems or bugs but I do think that putting some human soul into the lands and bandit camps would be the icing on the cake.
The whole Skyrim world, the civil war, the dangers outside on the tundra would just click into place. As it is, the sabre tooths and the people in the towns, the bears, dragons and giants, the bandits and mudcrabs are all the same. You don't feel like the people other than you have anything to lose. Soulful towns would fix all that. You'd see that they were hiding away from the horrors.
For me Shenmue is the greatest role playing game of all time and it was made 10 years odd ago. Nothing beats it for soul and Skyrim would be 100% better for that little touch.
That bird who runs the smithing shop by the gate in Whiterun churning out the same line over and over again even though she just said it. Leaning against that post. Nerver speaking with anyone. She doesn't exist does she. She doesn't work there. She's like a ghost or something. Give her an actual life, does she go to the shops to get food ever? No. She has no soul and is therefore not all that believable.
If you saw she had a real life in Whiterun, ou'd care about her on some level and hope that a Mammoth didn't get her. As it is she's just a bit of scenery.