I disagree. The map and compass
are handholding. They are useful, true, but they are handholding. When I look at an Earth compass, it tells me directions, it doesn't tell me what direction the nearest bandit camp or town is. When I look at an Earth map (a paper map, not GPS) it doesn't tell me where I am
all the time. I have to figure this out on my own.
Personally, I dont' use the in-game compass at all, I prefer looking which direction my character's shadow is pointing on the ground. I only use the in-game map to initially plot my next destination. Once that destination has been plotted, I will then use the physical map (the tan map that comes with the game) to figure out where my character is. IT's totally possible if you really take the time to do it.
handholding is not necessarily a bad thing, it's just that gamers like myself prefer not to have our hand held. I think the OP is pretty much just trying to convince him or herself of something. :shrug:
If people like the handholding that's fine. Personally, I prefer no info. That's right, no info. You see, I'm not wasting time finding my way around, to me, getting lost is not a barrier to gameplay. It IS gameplay.
^This above post echoes my thoughts almost exactly.^