Is it me or a lot of perks are useless and badly made?

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:35 pm

Dev1: "Hey, lets introduce perks to Skyrim! Character developement will be even more complex and players will have more options!"

Dev2: "People don't want games to be complex, most of them are barely even advlts. How are they supposed to handle such a complex game?

Dev1: "Good point, we can take out some stuff from other areas...How about some skills that nobody used anyway, like Hand to Hand."

Dev2: "That's the spirit. And while we're at it, just get rid of those annoying main attributes, too.

Dev1: "But that would lead to incredibly one-dinmensional character development. People would be raging on the forums 24/7:"

Dev2: "Don't worry, we have a team that's working on kill animations. People won't even realise attributes are gone."

Dev1: "Boss, you're a genius!"
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:17 pm

And yet you still play on your SDTV daily. Weird.

Please refrain from snide little ad-hominems like this.
You have no idea what kind of tv I have, you have no clue as to anything about my life or personal circumstance.

And regardless of that, that comment is completely off-topic and nothing more than a snarky personal attack.

So quit it, right now.
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:29 pm

some of those high lvl perk u say r useless come in handy at the high lvl dungeons the fist there r enemy who disarm u banishinh so u can bring out different demora cuz the high lvl dragon lord will change weaknes but then u already said u were an idiot
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:16 pm

I suppose I am a minority, but I always found when games were laid out in bare numbers it was simpler. I do not understand everyone going on about Skyrim being simplified because it does not have the Morrowind system. I find it more challenging because now you can not lay your character out with a calculator. I find the perks more logical and enjoyable, and I spend more time enjoying the bloody game rather than number-crunching. Basically, not sure why people equate statistics and numbers with difficulty and challenge.

For clarification, what I am saying is instead of 'Choose Attribute A for this amount of buff, choose Attribute B for this amount of buff', which is a very easy and simplified choice, I prefer the more complex 'Choose Perk A for this situational ability, choose Perk B for this situational ability'. It is far more challenging to decide which ability - without numbers - will be more useful, and more of a challenge to predict what situations you will find yourself in.

Many situations where they leave out number just obfuscates things and makes them confusing. Many dragon shots, liked Marked for Death for example. It says it weakens the enemy's armor and lifeforce. How much armor? Is it a percentage or flat number? And what does weaken lifeforce mean? Drain health? Reduce max health? Reduce healing?
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Michael Russ
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:18 pm

Those perks are useless for you. So, basically, it's you.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:34 am

Many situations where they leave out number just obfuscates things and makes them confusing. Many dragon shots, liked Marked for Death for example. It says it weakens the enemy's armor and lifeforce. How much armor? Is it a percentage or flat number? And what does weaken lifeforce mean? Drain health? Reduce max health? Reduce healing?

How would a percentage help if you don't know the actual number?
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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:27 pm

I think the perk system is great, but, I think there's too many ranked perks which gets a bit boring. Not all that fussed though, only an incredibly mild gripe.
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Jack Moves
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:02 am

How would a percentage help if you don't know the actual number?

Do you know how percentages work?
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:48 pm

I don't like Skyrim's perks, I rather have Fallout 3's back. They are fun, meaningful and you're not forced to pick useless ones just to get the one you want. Other than the numbers one from Fallout 3 (which are fine), there were many more interesting ones. Skyrim have so few perks per class its boring. What they did was instead of automatically gaining new skills from being a novice to expert, you get to pick which ones. However they were boring in the first place. Look at the Smithing tree. There nothing cool and interesting in it. But you are force to pick at least half of it to get the best armour in game.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:50 pm

Bear in mind some help roleplaying, not everything has to benefit the efficiency you kill things with.

Exactly. Therefore, I don't think that the term "useless" applies for any perk. I honestly believe that the game designers thought about each one of the perks very carefully, having roleplayers in mind and not min/max powergamers.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:21 pm

Exactly. Therefore, I don't think that the term "useless" applies for any perk. I honestly believe that the game designers thought about each one of the perks very carefully, having roleplayers in mind and not min/max powergamers.

What about variety? I can't see making a lot of different builds in this game, IMO, it's so limited in what you can do that it's just not even funny.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:22 pm

Most perks actually are very useful...if only in limited circumstances. Fists of Steel, for example, makes brawls a load easier, and it's highly enjoyable to punch a dragon to death.

-Silent Roll and Eagle Eye are excellent examples of the Perk system working.
-Perks that affect things only by a percentage, are examples of a poor system.
-The concept of Perks should be to add Specialization to the tree and make it play different than unspecced. The thing that I find is that the only real difference between a Specialized and Unspecialized character are the raw output numbers in MOST cases, and that is a problem.

Also, yes there are many perks that are downright bordering useless. Most crafting perks are useless. Except for the highest tier, the ones before it offer not sustained benefit. When I get to the point of crafting Daedric and Dragon items, it does not matter that I can craft Dwarven items...Whereas, when I get Shadow Warrior, my points along the way for Stealth are just as effective and still provide me benefit at level 1 all the way to 50. I see that as an issue.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:13 pm

Getting your 1handed skill up to 100 will see ~50-60% damage increase. The perks add to that. The difference between a soldier and a swordmaster.

As said there are no useless perks. There may be perks that can be largely ignored as the returns on them are low, but they all do something, even lockpicking (I can open the master locks, and lockpicks aren't that hard to find - though honestly the main problem here is how common the lockpicks are not the perks - but my experience will not be the same as everyones).
Bear in mind some help roleplaying, not everything has to benefit the efficiency you kill things with.

40%, it is basically non-existent. It was probably thrown in late game when the forums exploded in a [censored] storm about how it looked like skills might be doing nothing and everything came from the perks. Improving your skill has a marginal effect for the vast majority of the skills. Some though do show solid improvement just through skill, like stealth while my thief is substantially better than my mage since it is perked my mage actually is good at sneaking even though he has never put a perk into it even without invisibility. Stealth is also one of the few perk trees that is actually solid.
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Laura Samson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:36 pm

Which is the same thing that a lot of the perks do. They left them out so newbs had less to worry about. Redundant would be having wait healing and auto health regen. Attributes were definitely not redundant and that's been proven since the announced that they were cut.

I respected your position until you used the "newbs" term, identifying yourself as mentally prepubascent.

Oh, it also made your point unattractive. You may want to work on that.
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:42 am

There are alot of useless perks in this game but i guess they did it to SEEEM like they have a wide variety when only a few perks n a skill tree are the really neccessary ones
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:40 pm

Please refrain from snide little ad-hominems like this.
You have no idea what kind of tv I have, you have no clue as to anything about my life or personal circumstance.

And regardless of that, that comment is completely off-topic and nothing more than a snarky personal attack.

So quit it, right now.

But I do know because I do indeed pay attention to posts in the xbox360 help/problem section of these forums when I scour them for new bugs to avoid.

Deal with it.

I don't have to listen to you either :)
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:49 pm

Exactly. Therefore, I don't think that the term "useless" applies for any perk. I honestly believe that the game designers thought about each one of the perks very carefully, having roleplayers in mind and not min/max powergamers.

Yes. There isn't a lot of synergy between skills, it is more of a "one or the other" type deal. If trees complimented one another better and the perk system was more unique in what it did, it would offer up being able to create multiple builds. Magic seems incredibly shallow in the game and really and truly magic is the only thing in the entire game that classifies as "abilities". Unless you are a magic user or hybrid magic user, you don't have much in the way of variety. There isn't much allowing you to create hybrid and custom classes, which is surprising - but this has mostly to do because there are not many skills. You can augment your primary damage source, then you have sneaking and blocking...It isn't logical to select multiple damage sources as perk investment is too cumbersome, so you really settle on one. Bow, 2H, 1H, or Magic. That is pretty frustrating, and the way items work, there are not many unique unique items. Most crafting items can be enchanted with the same if not better enchants. That makes me sad.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:19 pm

I disagree with the OP. Just because something is useless to you or your character doesn't mean its usless to other people and their characters. Some people like to fight unarmed or to roll up on people. Don't be so close minded.
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:24 pm

Since you dont actually get better at one-handed just by lvl, but as you use the perks, the perks need to be a mix between a bit more boring "25 % more damage" perks and the more fun ones like "silent barrel roll"(which also is quite useful when its used properly). Some are also combinations of these two types of perks. Remember the basis of the character development in Skyrim is to lvl the appropiate skill in order to use the perks that becomes available at the necessary skill level.
When the game is like this I think they made it fun to develop the char. Sure they could have done things differently, A mix between the oblivion system and the Skyrim system or something totally diff. But I actually enjoy it, and you're bound to find some perks that is not interesting maybe unecessary. But no not a big problem
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:35 pm

There's another thing I've kinda found annoying, it's the fact that maces & axes lose a lot of their advantages against swords later on, I mean, what the hell, there's only 3 main types of melee weapons and your telling me that Bethesda couldn't even balance them properly?
Also, Speech tree, meh, who the hell do I need to "influence" for?

My guess is that for their next TES, Bethesda will need to revamp the gameplay once again...
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