Confused about crafting

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:54 pm

I decided to max out my gear but when I stared thinking about it my head almost imploded. Let's start!
So, to max out our gear we need some alchemy perks, max enchanting and high/max smithing (daedric for my warr).
When we get perks we need, we make a nice enchanting potion E1.
1. drink enchanting potion E1, enchant gear set A with + alchemy to make even better enchanting potion E2.
2. drink enchanting potion E2, enchant gear set B with + alchemy to make even better enchanting potion E3.
3. drink enchanting potion E3, enchant gear set C with + alchemy to make stronger enchanting potion E4.
4. .......
If we ever make "best" enchanting potion EB, we will use it to enchant + enchanting on our gear set D.
Then we do the following:
1. drink EB, enchant gear set D with + enchanting
2. equip gear set D, drink EB, enchant gear E with + enchanting
3. equip gear set E, drink EB, enchant gear F with + enchanting
Then if we ever get maxed out enchanting gear we use it to enchant our alchemy gear and start all over......
What am I missing here?
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Lucky Boy
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:58 pm

It's true, but it's really not very fun to play that way. If you approach it like that, you'll probably get bored with how powerful you are. If you gear up in a more natural way and don't treat it like a grind, it's much more fun and rewarding. That's just my opinion, though.
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phillip crookes
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:07 pm

Who cares? Grab a bow and some arrows then shoot some fuzzy critters!
If you need to max stuff with crafting then you can't be very good. My thief/assassin uses the basic Nightingale gear he got at level 20, and now he's running amok in Blackreach 10+ levels later in the same gear.
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:02 am

Who cares? Grab a bow and some arrows then shoot some fuzzy critters!
If you need to max stuff with crafting then you can't be very good. My thief/assassin uses the basic Nightingale gear he got at level 20, and now he's running amok in Blackreach 10+ levels later in the same gear.

Think you got me wrong, I do fine with my current gear as it is, I just started theorycrafting and found myself in loop so went here to see if I'm missing some info....
Just to add, thief/assassin comments on gear and not really relevant since you can play the game naked.
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JUan Martinez
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