I started with TES in Morrowind and loved that game, played it multiple times a week for more then 1,5 year with barely any mods. Ofcourse this made me very excited to start with oblivion, but for me personally it was a great letdown. I disliked so many things; from the level scaling, the item scaling, the similairity between dungeons, esp. daedra gates, the fast travel, the lack of depth in for example political affairs etc. Ofcourse I did have some fun, but with 1.5 months 1 full MQ character and one somewhere halfway I was done with it.
However now TES 5 has got me all excited again and I was hoping to perhaps get some more out of oblivion with some mods

I installed OOO and it helps but it is far from enough for me to get the game too a place were I can love it like I did MW in the past.
I came looking here for some more add-ons but all this info about conflicts, ways to solve it, wyre bash, etc. has got me reeling. I feel like I need to spend hours and hours of research on this before I can have the game in a state were I can get more enjoyment out of it then what the first two playtroughs already gave me storywise.
As I see it now I would atleast need to install:
- some form of imrpoved and open cities
- some form of fast travel like the MW system
- if possible more diverse dungeons and more story depth.
But to be honest with the amount of work it seems this is gonna take I am kinda scared it is not even worth the trouble :S. I got my money's worth out of the game storywise, will it really be good enough after all this to get more out of it then just the story?
Modding more then one simple fix in seems like a nightmarishly complicated job at first glance. Hope you guys can give me some opinions on this.