I recently bought Skyrim and joined the boards so I don't know if this topic has been brought up before or not, but anyway....I think the option to divorce should be added to the game. Once I found out I could marry NPC I went out and did so right away like I'm sure many people have, but what I see a lot around the internet is people wanting to divorce for various reasons (new wife, the current ones annoying, blah blah). Also I see that people kill their spouses and then remain married to invisible (dead) partner and simply can't re-marry. Others have shown that turning into a werewolf then killing and eating your spouse in your own house gets you a random payment of some sort. I just think that a divorce option would be a nice update or patch to the game to help people who like variety or just made the quick decision to marry right after they found out how they could do so and maybe they reconsidered or want the better looking wife.
Any thoughts? Anyone agree? Should we occupy the forums until we get the option to marry everyone in game?