not game breakers by any means..
but more like missed opportunities for Besthesda to up the Immersion a few notches.
1) apparently im some Dragon Born that no one has seen in 1000 i guess this is something special.
- couldn't have the NPC's maybe recognized this a bit more? Dialogue is very flat..I go from a nobody whos about to get his head lopped off to this UBER Dragon Killing machine that can shout and turn a man into a pile of red goo and everyone i run into has the attitude of..
Meh ....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
2) I feel like my missions dont mean anything.
- .some missions should be time critical and a sense of urgency to them to complete. I could leave people im supposed to meet for a week + and they would still be standing around waiting when i got there like everything is ok.
3) OMG ITS A MONSTER!! WERE ALL GONNA ...ohhh ...i need to fold my laundry O_o
Villages that apparently have never heard of Dragon's..people thinking its just a big ole hokey myth and an old woman that no one believes....then suddenly short time later I killed a dragon and when the battle is all done the corpse is pretty much laying in thier town square..people go back to scratching there butts and doing laundry. In other words ..NPC's have zero reaction to the events..
4) Fight , fight ..fight!! ....nah :/
Apparently Imperial and Rebels are in some sort of big war. But they can have camps almost close enough to hear each other snore and there is zero tension .nothing that actually conveys this conflict....and why are there not random battles between these sides? At least scripted random battles that make it look like more then just a minor disagreement. Maybe when the player is in a camp some random attack scenario or raid just to make me feel like this is a tangible conflict..
5) Are the Bandits a bit slow??
Walking along the road..theres a whole gaggle (love that word) of know the bad guys that rob and pillage?? A random stranger walks by>>all the time and they just ignore the NPC even exists ...I walk near them and now ITs on?? How about randomizing instances where they attack an innocent..and its my job to come rushing in like a half baked hero sandwich to save the day

.Over all i am really enjoying the game very much and want to make that clear..
just think the level of player immersion could have gone much deeper...i dont feel part of the world im playing in and i dont feel like the character im supposed to be playing and his apparent legendary status as a dragonborn was recognized enough in the dialogue. I almost feel that one minute **SOUND THE HORNS..START THE FEAST..POUR THE WINE ...ITS A MOMENTOUS THING..THE DRAGONBORN HAS ARRIVED!!** and the next i feel might as well swap places with the old woman sweeping the floors at Dragonsreach because i just dont feel like the character im playing is that important to the world around him..but hes supposed to be.