Long-supporting fans, and new buyers seem to be coming to the same agreement...
Buyer-beware... (At the moment, many people are so upset, they are going back and lowering the previous ratings they gave, as the game cripples for more of them along the way.)
Sad, but I don't disagree with the reviews... I am jealous of the few who seem to have no issues, (Seems they are not aware, or don't care, or expect it, or are playing another game and thinking it is skyrim! Noted by some of the review text.)
For those in my shoes, I am empathetic to your losses, our losses... On the brighter-side, X-Box 360 seems to be the least afflicted version, but that number is quickly growing.
PS3 and PC negative reviews, from fan-boys has grown to over half the good reviews. Or, as Skyrim would note, as a stat... "A lot, but less than the other." Throw that on a sword or shield...
Was fun while it lasted... All two weeks... (30 hours of actual running-time. The rest in reloading time.)
Even steam numbers are rapidly falling. (Seems they are not falling as fast, because when the game crashes, it thinks you are still playing. LOL. Good-times... Um, no... I'm not playing, stop recording my play-time!)
The game went from 250,000 players/users... to about 100,000 users... Right inline with the reviews people are leaving for the game. Normaly users climb, not drop... as the month nears an end...
Time to get back to the office... Perhaps use that money we sent you, to hire people from Nvidia and MS and Sony to help you program fixes.