Skyrim reviews on Amazon tanking with every new patch

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:07 pm

Just decided to check the reviews on Skyrim...

Long-supporting fans, and new buyers seem to be coming to the same agreement...

Buyer-beware... (At the moment, many people are so upset, they are going back and lowering the previous ratings they gave, as the game cripples for more of them along the way.)

Sad, but I don't disagree with the reviews... I am jealous of the few who seem to have no issues, (Seems they are not aware, or don't care, or expect it, or are playing another game and thinking it is skyrim! Noted by some of the review text.)

For those in my shoes, I am empathetic to your losses, our losses... On the brighter-side, X-Box 360 seems to be the least afflicted version, but that number is quickly growing.

PS3 and PC negative reviews, from fan-boys has grown to over half the good reviews. Or, as Skyrim would note, as a stat... "A lot, but less than the other." Throw that on a sword or shield...

Was fun while it lasted... All two weeks... (30 hours of actual running-time. The rest in reloading time.)

Even steam numbers are rapidly falling. (Seems they are not falling as fast, because when the game crashes, it thinks you are still playing. LOL. Good-times... Um, no... I'm not playing, stop recording my play-time!)

The game went from 250,000 players/users... to about 100,000 users... Right inline with the reviews people are leaving for the game. Normaly users climb, not drop... as the month nears an end...

Time to get back to the office... Perhaps use that money we sent you, to hire people from Nvidia and MS and Sony to help you program fixes.
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:12 pm

Because the most intelligent and reasonable people of the world spend their time review-bombing a product.
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Rude Gurl
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:40 pm

Overreact much?

It's been less than a month since release. Two patches, ONE of which has made some serious issues for gamers. It's been ONE DAY since the patch. When did everyone turn into a paranoid lunatic? Give them a few days to figure out what broke and fix it for god's sake.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:59 pm

People should save their breath for the final patched version.
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Solène We
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:47 pm

The opinions of reactionary people are worthless.
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:39 pm

Amazon reviews rarely have any basis in fact.

For example, Half Life 2 was getting five star, 'best game ever', 'reccomended' reviews for over a year before the game was released. Duke Nukem Forever had so many 'reviews' over the last few years I was starting to suspect that time machines weren't far off being developed.
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Claire Vaux
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:52 am

Overreact much?

It's been less than a month since release. Two patches, ONE of which has made some serious issues for gamers. It's been ONE DAY since the patch. When did everyone turn into a paranoid lunatic? Give them a few days to figure out what broke and fix it for god's sake.

You should see Metacritic Player's Reviews... They are extremely overreacted. Yesterday I read something like "I would give this game a 7 score, but with all that f?nboys I need to give it a 0 score"
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Scared humanity
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:55 pm

Who cares. Every single person that rates down reviews because of bugs in skyrim is a super drama queen. It's almost comical how much people are overreacting.
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Russell Davies
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:51 pm

I can only speak for Xbox, level 30 and no significant bugs yet. Most people are just jumping on the bandwagon.

Most annoying thing that's happened is not being able to use the weapon rack.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:29 am

Played all last night and this morning on the patched PC version with no issues outside two runtime crashes within the first 15 mins of play after patch.

i.e. big non issue for me. Didn't see any dragons flying backwards either. I don't play with resists so that aspect wasn't something I can comment on.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:55 am

Oh shut up already!

I for one have no problems with the game (Bugs and issues wise). 1.2 works fine for me.

I used to sympathetic toward people with huge issues, but just shut up now. We get it! People are having problems, people dont like the game. Grand, cool, get over it, YAWN.

Wouldn't mind an origonal thread in this Forum for once...
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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:15 am

Amazon reviews rarely have any basis in fact.

^ Yeah. I love to buy off of Amazon but the people on there so often miss the point of a review. I often see reviews of people who give products the lowest score because of an error in how it was shipped. Interesting statistic about the number of people playing though.
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Tyler F
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:40 pm

Haters gonna hate.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:20 pm

People should save their breath for the final patched version.

Due out in 2025
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:41 pm

Who cares. Every single person that rates down reviews because of bugs in skyrim is a super drama queen. It's almost comical how much people are overreacting.

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Emma louise Wendelk
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:32 pm

Remember Fallout New Vegas?? Skyrim is nothing compared to that when it comes to bugs and unplayability (for any port). Just wait for the patch.

To this day, I still can't play FONV for more than 20 minutes without it CTD'ing.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:37 pm

None of this is really relevant. Reviews don't stop games from selling (gasp), and eventually the patches will fix the major issues. More importantly, even the haters will keep playing it. Long after all the immediately gratifying angst wears off, Skyrim will still be one of the greatest games ever made, and people will still be buying it years from now.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:58 pm

Amazon reviews are a joke. I can say that with authority, because they have been letting me review their products for the last 12 years. Clearly, they have no standards.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:37 pm

I did my part... Reported my bugs, in as much detail as possible, in the appropriate area... and tried to overlook as much as possible...

I just found it to be frustrating, interesting, funny, sad, and many more things... all at once.

Hope they learned a lesson... (Not the programmers, the marketing guys who forced the game out the door.)

As for the comment about, "Wait for the final patch"... there is no such thing as a final patch... just the "last patch"... That took a year to get out for oblivion, the previous game, and that was no more complete than the first patch. (Unofficial patch 1 and 2, created by users, fixed over 100,000 additional issues, that the "final patches" did not fix.)
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:19 am

WIth PC you expect problems. There are almost an infinite combination of compents that could have made up your PC and laptop. There are always going to be incompatability issues and you just can't test for an infinite number of hardware solutions your software will run on.

Now PS3 or 360 - gamers expect a flawless experience on those platforms. Why - because the hardware is identical (or almost identical) for all users. Bugs on those platforms can only be explained by lack of testing or weak knowledge skills and experience. Beth has always had these coding issues and suffered from bugs.

Only mitigating factor is the huge and open sandbox nature of the game. I gues you can;t envisage every single possiblility a gamer might stretch your gameworld to. But generally, this is a Beth quality issue and they have always had it.
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:38 pm

I didn't realize there were such problems. Had a few small bugs on 360 but since the patch yesterday, haven't noticed ANYTHING. About 80 hrs in on one character. Have another character with only a few hours.

Hope things get better for you (and everyone else).
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:14 am

For those of you who are insulting to us with technical issues, I hope you re-consider your point of view. I do agree that insulting posts and inflammatory comments are not helpful, but if you've bought a product you must surely agree that the said product should not be broken in significant ways. If I buy an oven, even if only one of the burners is out, I would return it or demand that it be immediately fixed as the product came faulty from the manufacturer. I would expect the said fix to occur within a reasonable amount of time, as well. Should I have to wait a month for my faulty oven to work properly?

Skyrim is a product like any other, the main difference being that instead of a physical item, you receive an interactive application. While acknowledging the complexity of the said application is important, and thus customers must be somewhat more patient with the time it takes them to fix the problem, there is no reason why there shouldn't be complaints, especially since, when my product was supposedly fixed, it was "returned" to me with even more problems than before. I can't play my game because I built my character around blocking and magical resistance.

The most ridiculous aspect of this whole fiasco is that the mod community has fixed the resistance issue already for the PC. Bathesda needs to take steps and rectify their "fix" immediately, as it seemingly can be done within a reasonable time frame. It is not my fault as the consumer that the patch has broken my game, and thus I deserve as quick a fix as possible.
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