UI hides some important things

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:22 pm

1. Is a weapon dagger/sword, is it 1h/2h;
2. Is a current weapon poisoned [HUD];
3. Is the target an important NPC or not;
4. What are your bounties in respectable domains;
5. What are your factions and faction ranks.
6. Active effects and their timers [HUD];
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Stu Clarke
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:56 pm

1. False and true.
False, because it's nearly impossible to not know that an Iron Dagger isn't a Glass Warhammer.
True, because you might fail to notice the difference.
2: False..
Just look up in your inventory on weapons, the weapon poisoned has a green symbol on it.
3: True.
This is true, but you can easily find out by attacking them and reloading a past save, if you really, really must know.
4. False..
Just look up your pause menu and look at "crime".
5: Might be true, haven't really looked for this. Is it important somehow? You honestly don't remember if you are the arch-mage or an apprentice?
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:33 pm

havent you heard? less is more! even though it isnt! aint cultural entropy grand?

first everyone wanted to get in on this newfangled com-pew-tor technology, but now everyone says "its too hard, make a computer to learn computers for me".

and thats how the modern fetishism of less is more came into place; we have changed our priorities from making computers (and their associated video game technology) do new and more complex things to making computers do everything they already do but easier for your grandma to figure out.

so just remember modern design philosophy: its not about letting you use the basic information of the game to play it, its about hiding away all that basic information so dear old grandma doesnt havent to worry about it.
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Vicki Blondie
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:34 am

4. False..
Just look up your pause menu and look at "crime".

He didn't say that the information does not exist, he said that the UI hides it.
There are too many user actions required to navigate to that submenu just to find this (often vitally important) information.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:28 pm

5. True that it's not in the active HUD, but it's not World of Warcraft, how hard is it to hit Tab (or whatever it is on a console) and go to Magic -> Active Effects? thegame gets paused so it's even better cause you can micromanage :read:
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:33 am

The bounties are not in Stat menu. The closest things are 'Total cumulative bounty' and 'Maximum bounty'. No current values and their domain separations.

It is going in pause mode, navigating left, then scrolling down do an ultimate item. That is a dozen of unneeded keypresses. Somehow we got shout colldown bar on our compass, but other effects and less important?
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katie TWAVA
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:51 pm

True that it's not in the active HUD, but it's not World of Warcraft, how hard is it to hit Tab (or whatever it is on a console) and go to Magic -> Active Effects? thegame gets paused so it's even better cause you can micromanage :read:

When you run around with muffle/60s potion buffs/etc its a MASSIVE pain in the [censored] to check constantly. Or you spam muffle and illusion skill streaks ahead. Oops.
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:24 pm

1. False and true.
False, because it's nearly impossible to not know that an Iron Dagger isn't a Glass Warhammer.
True, because you might fail to notice the difference.
2: False..
Just look up in your inventory on weapons, the weapon poisoned has a green symbol on it.
3: True.
This is true, but you can easily find out by attacking them and reloading a past save, if you really, really must know.
4. False..
Just look up your pause menu and look at "crime".
5: Might be true, haven't really looked for this. Is it important somehow? You honestly don't remember if you are the arch-mage or an apprentice?

1. Daggers aren't even like other one-handed weapons. Does it appear somewhere?
And I'm not talking about Unarmed. Hands free, the UI says 0 damage. My Khajiit says he pretty much one-shot all the lowbie critters since day 1.
2. HUD means what's displayed outside the menus. The HUD of Skyrim is very simple, probably in order not to look like a Space Commando helmet HUD.
3. The reason is likely to be the same as 2. It's more immersive and also it prevents some kind of spoilers.
4. I'm sorry, where? The Crime section of the General Stats tab only shows the max bounty you had and your lifetime bounty. Not your bounty by domain.
5. Don't look for a personal attack. If he asks that, it means it's important. Ok in Skyrim it doesn't change anything if you're from one faction, another or all of them. However a simple example of its use is when you have several characters. One day you want to play an old character, but you don't necessarily remember which factions he chose.
6. Same as 2.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:41 am

The bounties are not in Stat menu. The closest things are 'Total cumulative bounty' and 'Maximum bounty'. No current values and their domain separations.

It is going in pause mode, navigating left, then scrolling down do an ultimate item. That is a dozen of unneeded keypresses. Somehow we got shout colldown bar on our compass, but other effects and less important?

This is not actually true, at least not for me. It does show you the bounties in different holds, but only while you have a bounty in said hold. So it would go
"Reach bounty: 9000
Lifetime bounty: 9001
Highest bounty: 9000"
Then when you served your time, or whatnot, the first line would go away.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:56 pm

6) Not being able to see how long your alteration shield will last as a mage relying on it it stay alive is a major fail, also applies to any other buffs, like invisibility, damage buffs, etc.

Spell timers like that need to be visible, not having them is a pretty big mistake gameplay wise. Hopefully we can add this back on PC.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:44 pm

4. I'm sorry, where? The Crime section of the General Stats tab only shows the max bounty you had and your lifetime bounty. Not your bounty by domain.

You obviously haven't looked close enough. It's there. Of course it doesn't show up if you actually don't have bounty in any hold.
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Donatus Uwasomba
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:11 pm

I also agree the HUD and UI are a bit stupid.

They can just make it like Assassins Creed. In the options menu you can choose which HUD element to be shown or not shown.
This way the HUD can range from very informative(but a bit clustering) to completely clean(but less informative), depends on what players want.

If I'm a warrior I may not care about the active effects timer much, so I can disable it and make the HUD clean.
If I'm a Mage maybe I need the active effects timer a lot, so I can enable it and make the HUD more informative.
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laila hassan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:33 pm

1. Is a weapon dagger/sword, is it 1h/2h;
Especially in the beginning I often didn't know, if a certain axe or sword is 1h or 2h.

What I also miss is an exact value on the charge of a weapon. This dumb bar gives like no information at all.

Generally the whole UI is a desaster. Complicated in its handling, showing not enough information, style totally unfitting ... and that terrible map is the icing on the cake.
I really don't know, what they were thinking, but this really has to be the worst UI I have ever seen in an RPG ... and I played lots of them.
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