1. False and true.
False, because it's nearly impossible to not know that an Iron Dagger isn't a Glass Warhammer.
True, because you might fail to notice the difference.
2: False..
Just look up in your inventory on weapons, the weapon poisoned has a green symbol on it.
3: True.
This is true, but you can easily find out by attacking them and reloading a past save, if you really, really must know.
4. False..
Just look up your pause menu and look at "crime".
5: Might be true, haven't really looked for this. Is it important somehow? You honestly don't remember if you are the arch-mage or an apprentice?
1. Daggers aren't even like other one-handed weapons. Does it appear somewhere?
And I'm not talking about Unarmed. Hands free, the UI says 0 damage. My Khajiit says he pretty much one-shot all the lowbie critters since day 1.
2. HUD means what's displayed outside the menus. The HUD of Skyrim is very simple, probably in order not to look like a Space Commando helmet HUD.
3. The reason is likely to be the same as 2. It's more immersive and also it prevents some kind of spoilers.
4. I'm sorry, where? The Crime section of the General Stats tab only shows the max bounty you had and your lifetime bounty. Not your bounty by domain.
5. Don't look for a personal attack. If he asks that, it means it's important. Ok in Skyrim it doesn't change anything if you're from one faction, another or all of them. However a simple example of its use is when you have several characters. One day you want to play an old character, but you don't necessarily remember which factions he chose.
6. Same as 2.