previously bugged dogtags as of 1.8
FOOT FETISH - snipe someone in the foot
NEVER FLAGGING - Get the winning score in Capture The Relay with less than 10 seconds remaining
THERE IS NO SPOON - Download the final bit of intel with less than 5 seconds remaining
MARATHON MAN - Carry the Relay for 10 minutes
I tried with kariwarez, TownCryer8 and other friends of seems some of the dogtags are now achievable.
1) Never Flagging --> did this by getting 0-0 in first round, and 0-1 in the last round.. capturing in less than 10 secs remaining... have not tested with other scores like 1-1, 1-2 or 2-2, 2-3 and etc
2) There is no Spoon --> works now, just start standing near the terminal at about 7-10 secs in the timer, and u should be able to get the last upload between 0-5 secs.
--Tried sniping someone in the foot, but still doesnt work..... we're still testing out marathon man...been carrying the flag for 3 mins and running around the map avoiding enemies last nite... was hilarious