You've noticed this about her, right? Standing there bow legged with her arms, elbows out, like she's in a western movie pistol showdown. At first, I thought it was her shield causing this so I took her sword and dagger away so that she would switch to her bow. Not much better. I even stripped my Nord woman character down to her underwear to compare how they both stand. My character stood tall with her arms straight, unlike Lydia' grunt stance. Comparing their walks also revealed different animations, my character normal and Lydia like an orangutang.
I also went to the Drunken Hunter and hired Jenassa. Same problem, bow legged and elbows out. What is it with Lydia and other women followers that is doing this to them where my character has no problem with posture? It's not my imagination. You mean I'm going to have to what until January so that I must use the Creation Kit to fix it myself, if it is even fixable?
It's the heavy armor. It changes the walking animation.
Kill her then, before you start moaning for the next few weeks.
I never would have noticed half of the things "wrong with this game" had I not browsed these forums.
There is a MASSIVE world of difference between noting something, having something bother you, and completely trashing a game. For that matter, it is not wrong to have complaints or critiques, so long as they are valid.
There is no reason to have a forum just to force people to only sing the praises of a game. Forums are for discussion, and that means pointing out flaws. Nobody needs a thought-police stifling all dissent, least of all Bethesda.