"Skyrim doesn't deserver GOTY with these bugs" "Skyrim failed cause of these bugs" "Skyrim is dead cause of these lowered textrues"
"Bethesda did worse than ever" (even though it's the biggest game they're ever done) "I'm never buying another Bethesda game again" (even though they will and have)
Yes, the game has lots of bugs. I'm not stupid enough to ignore that. But I've been playing this game on the "Unplayable cause of framerate" PS3 and I've loved every 109 hours of it so far.
Yes, 109 hours and 12+ mb on the PS3 and it's still the best PS3 game I've played. And no, I haven't upgraded my PS3 with any tricks and it's one of the original fat ones.
It just bothers me that players think it shouldn't get GOTY cause of bugs. Or that people believe it shouldn't get good reviews cause of the bugs. A review on the game should be about the game. Skyrim's main dragon quest blew me away. I didn't expect it to be as good as it was. I still prefer Morrowind's, but I didn't have my hopes up and they proved me wrong. And the game (even with these so called "low-textures") is the most beautiful game I've seen. I've never played a game where I stood on a cliff and just looked around instead of slaying stuff lol. And every day/night looks different so the view never gets old. The game itself is amazing.
The game is buggy as hell and sometimes gamebreaking for people and I understand the massive dissapointment from players. But don't flame reviewers and voters for the GOTY cause they gave it perfect or high scores. This game is still an artistic masterpiece of wrighting and design. The technical side of things on a game this huge is bound to go wrong, and they're working the kinks out.
They could've pushed it back and released it when it was more polished. Call me an optimist, but I'm happy as hell they stuck with this release date and that I've been able to play this bugtastic game for the last 2 weeks of my life straight.
Ok... I guess I've ranted enough for the day lol. Probably pointless since it will just be flamed and forgotten... but I already typed all this out so F it! Here ya go =)