The Dwemer made Dwarven (Obvisouly)I'm not sure what the Bosmer made.The Altmer made Elven, well sort of.Dumer made Ebony and Glass armour and weaponsHumans made Fur Armour, Leather Armour, Hide Armour, Steel, Iron and a few other things.Daedra made Daedric, Amber and Madness armour and weapons.I'm not too sure who made Mithril, probably Dwemer or Bosmer.
Conjurors, not Daedra, made Daedric armor and weapons. The daedra had about as much role in creating Daedric armors as Deer have in making Deerskin Jerkins.Bosmer make Fur armor. It's all they know how to make. They may have also made Dragon Bone and Scale armor designs, due to them making everything out of animal bits.
Dunmer should get the credit for Daedric, too. Since we made it's ebony base.