I just wanted you to thank for lowering extended ammo capacity, underbarrel shotgun damage, and all the nice stuff, and for 10 $ inserted a weapon that raqeS everything. Doesnt matter where it hits, 2 bullets and you're dead. Thank you for this nice balance!
THIS WEAPON IS OVERPOWERED! i picked up 1 just the day it was launched, and i razed everything. This game costed "alot" when i bought it, and since then no bonus map or weapon for free. Everything is 10$ for these hungry guys. You could have at least throw in 1 more map for us free players...
Those who have played with the FY know the power, and they all know it's overpowered. But hey, who cares... I am not investing in this because it's not worth it. There are very very few servers with those new maps.
Proof that Crytek is a group of professionals..
I wanted to ask if i pay 20$, will you please sell me unlimited Maximum Nanosuit? You will make alot of money this way. Doesnt matter if it ruins the game, the important thing is you make money and buy bread.
I'm just saying it's unfair for other people, this is not a fcking MMORPG game where you can buy levels and items for cash..