Hello dear forum members! I would like to ask you how you compare the "interestingness" of the game as a mage and assassin? The fact that the first have I started to play a assassin, but sometimes it still sometimes gets boring. The problem of time (work, family) and will not allow me to start playing a mage just for the fact that to make sure that the mage is interesting. I would like to hear your opinion =)
Like all (foreigners) say - sorry for my English.
After some great http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1290476-having-trouble-with-sneaky-types/page__p__19456185__fromsearch__1#entry19456185 here on the forums, I created a female orc assassin. I was level 30 within 6 hours of game play and this was on master difficulty. She specialized in sneak, archery, one-handed daggers, enchanting, alchemy (poisons). I am amazed at just how powerful she is.