It's time to make a statement Bethesda... [2]

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:46 pm

They aren't going to do that. There's no documented indication that this patch created more problems than it fixed. Yes it created problems. The people that see problems are showing up on these boards to point them out.

Are you re.tar.ded? you almost sucseeded at trolling me
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:19 pm

Varus should take note that EULA's are not legally enforceable in the vast majority of jurisdictions.

Very few courts would enforce a EULA for a variety of reasons.

The most easy one for non-lawyers to understand is that buying a computer game is a contract of sale. There is an offer and acceptance which is complete when you pay the cash and receive your game.

Your agreement to abide by a EULA is not contractually enforceable because there is no consideration for it.

This is like your ordering home delivery, opening the pizza and finding within it a piece of paper saying "you may not eat this pizza and do not own it, etc etc followed by a bunch of legal jargon" no Court would ever prosecute you for eating your pizza there. This is exactly anologous.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:01 pm

Their blog today should be a satisfactory response.

They released an announcement today.

Go read the Beth Blog.

And here's a link:

Since a statement has been made and much of this thread is just bickering and flaming, I think this can be locked.
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