Just what the title says folks:
The difficulty slider is NOTHING like MW or Oblivion as difficulty levels in Skyrim are ALL easy.
The companion system is nerfed and companion orders are on a cave man level: Hold this, move here/wait here, and meaningless questions i.e. What is a thane?....WHAT???
Come on Bethesda! I know you can make a smarter companion and better difficulty settings & slider!Out......
Let me offer a disclaimer that the following is not hate at Bethesda. Really part of loving somethig (or someone) is accepting them for what they are and recognizing their faults as "part of the package"
In response to your comment that I bolded, I have seen NO EVIDENCE that Bethesda is capable (or interested in) creating companions that are anything more than cattle with one dimensional personalities. The only decent characters or companions I can remember, was Falloutout New Vegas........which was written by Obsidian.
If I want to fall in love with characters and be fascinated by my companions, I play Bioware. When I want an open incredible gameworld and all the cool things that come with it, I go TES.
Truth be told haven't been impressed with dialogue or voice acting in any Bethesda game I've played except, once again FONV which again was Obsidian's writing. (The voice acting and dialogue in Oblivion made me laugh out loud).
So with Skyrim I didn't get my hopes up too high when I heard about things like companions and getting married and such.
Bethesda is what they are. And what they do well is pretty terrific.