Skyrim: A Great Game

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:03 pm

Skyrim's a really great game, I've played close to 150 hours and I can honestly say it's the best RPG I've ever played. The only thing is they cut a lot of what made the Elder Scrolls out of the game to the point where it either feels like Fallout: Medieval or just a combination of every other RPG out there with some Elder Scrolls sprinkled on top, so I can understand why people have been upset. Now I am a fan of a great game but I'm an even bigger fan of a great ELDER SCROLLS game. When you take out the attributes, athletics, custom spell-making, hand to hand ect, there are going to be some people who see the game as it is, and there are going to be people who view it from a nostalgic point of view. I can't help but think "WOW this game is so good, but it would be SO much better if they only kept this" most of the time that I'm playing. It's clear Bethesda wanted to appeal to a broader audience, and if you don't believe that it's because you're apart of that "broader" audience. How does it make any sense to have to "limit" myself on my own leveling? Hasn't the point always been to level as quickly as possible? And, no roleplayers I don't care about living out a cartoon fantasy.

Point is, don't let the past ruin this game for you, but there's nothing wrong with posting how you feel on the forums.
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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:31 pm

my opinion matters... i guess
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:51 pm

you are playing on a console i assume?
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:06 pm

you are playing on a console i assume?

Yeah so I have to take it as it is
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:33 pm

my opinion matters... i guess

It does matter too me, but others are to busy complaining to praise the game ;)

Anyway: I agree, Skyrim is an amazing game and my personal favorite of the ES series.
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Elle H
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:12 am

It's clear Bethesda wanted to appeal to a broader audience, and if you don't believe that it's because you're apart of that "broader" audience.

Wise words.

Point is, don't let the past ruin this game for you, but there's nothing wrong with posting how you feel on the forums.

Indeed. I can appreciate the game for what it is, but i'm still going to moan about things it could've and should've done a lot better.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:33 am

It does matter too me, but others are to busy complaining to praise the game ;)

Anyway: I agree, Skyrim is an amazing game and my personal favorite of the ES series.

Couldn't of said it better. Cheers :foodndrink:
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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:27 pm

Morrowind - Skyrim - Oblivion; anyhoo, the game is massive and loads of fun to play. However, imo Bethesda should have scrapped the 11.11 release and polished it a little more (which I probably would have complained about also). Glad to see so many people enjoying it.
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Sam Parker
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:02 pm

I agree with most of what you said but I still don't think the removal of attributes is all that big of a deal. In Oblivion you were forced to take Endurance early... and it's pretty much the same in every stat-based game ever. It's always Primary stat- Health - the rest. You can go down the line from WoW to AD&D (who didn't start their characters with as close as possible to 18 Dex 16 Con/18 if Warrior). Basically, we've all been there and done that.

My biggest issue is pretty much all Quest-related. The Lines are too short, there could be more Lines, and they are way too many quests to quest. Nothing is memorable about nearly any of those. I understand they went 8fold on their dungeon designers and wanted people actually going in them but we would have went in them in Oblivion on our own if they weren't worthless. Skyrim would have been the same.

I'm used to the leveling issue as I have trained myself after the OB garbage, but I could see how it could bother someone who was new to the series. We already know "what to look for" and understand the game will not be fun with straight grindin'

Lastly, I have not encountered nearly any bugs (one Jarl wanted me to get his helmet again) and it is still one of the best games I've played in a long time.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:06 am

Skyrim's a really great game, I've played close to 150 hours and I can honestly say it's the best RPG I've ever played. The only thing is they cut a lot of what made the Elder Scrolls out of the game to the point where it either feels like Fallout: Medieval or just a combination of every other RPG out there with some Elder Scrolls sprinkled on top, so I can understand why people have been upset. Now I am a fan of a great game but I'm an even bigger fan of a great ELDER SCROLLS game. When you take out the attributes, athletics, custom spell-making, hand to hand ect, there are going to be some people who see the game as it is, and there are going to be people who view it from a nostalgic point of view. I can't help but think "WOW this game is so good, but it would be SO much better if they only kept this" most of the time that I'm playing. It's clear Bethesda wanted to appeal to a broader audience, and if you don't believe that it's because you're apart of that "broader" audience. How does it make any sense to have to "limit" myself on my own leveling? Hasn't the point always been to level as quickly as possible? And, no roleplayers I don't care about living out a cartoon fantasy.

Point is, don't let the past ruin this game for you, but there's nothing wrong with posting how you feel on the forums.

I agree. Its my favorite TES game and Ive played them all.

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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:17 pm

Ive put in about 125 hours and I agree. There's no game that I've played(other than oblivion and Morrowind) where I've had so many "wow" moments. This game took a quantum leap over Oblivion and I can't believe they are able to keep improving the series with each game so dramatically. Ya oblivion probably lacked in areas that Morrowind filled and skyrim to oblivion as well, but overall the game feels vastly better than any other in the series as far as combat, music, sound effects, GUI, and voice acting. So what it doesn't have spell making... I didn't care much for it. The leveling system dumbed down? Nope. Simplified intelligently. Dumbed isn't even a word by the way, so people that keep saying that can go read a dictionary and leave us be. They cut the fat out of this game and left us with some precious tender, but wholesome meat.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:38 am

Ive put in about 125 hours and I agree. There's no game that I've played(other than oblivion and Morrowind) where I've had so many "wow" moments. This game took a quantum leap over Oblivion and I can't believe they are able to keep improving the series with each game so dramatically. Ya oblivion probably lacked in areas that Morrowind filled and skyrim to oblivion as well, but overall the game feels vastly better than any other in the series as far as combat, music, sound effects, GUI, and voice acting. So what it doesn't have spell making... I didn't care much for it. The leveling system dumbed down? Nope. Simplified intelligently. Dumbed isn't even a word by the way, so people that keep saying that can go read a dictionary and leave us be. They cut the fat out of this game and left us with some precious tender, but wholesome meat.

I have a feeling the next one will have more features but I'm looking at fallout's potential now.

I don't think it was the spellmaking as much as it is about the lack of spells (the murder of Mysticism). Mods will fix any problems for PC users but for people like me on the console we just have what the game gives us, so it's best not to dwell on those things too much.

It was simplified I'll give you that much.

Sometimes a little fat is good, I agree the quests could have been bigger and more intricate, I for one enjoyed the rankings in guilds in Morrowind and Oblivion. Not every person has to be involved with a quest, pretty much anyone in town either gives you a quest or is involved in a later quest. It'd be nice to just get some random people, but perhaps it's the lore because not many people would want to live where the Dragons are popping up... still sounds like an excuse to rush things though...
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