A few thoughts for Bethesda

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:36 pm

OK where should I start? I have been playing Bethesda games since the days of Daggerfall.

Played Daggerfall - loved it.

Still play Morrowind - rate this as the best game i have ever played to date, although being a bit of a graphics wh*re feel that the graphics are a bit dated, an issue that is somewhat alleviated by mods.

Played Oblivion - liked it

Playing through Skyrim at the moment - tell you what i think at the end.

Also played all of the Fallout games by Bethesda.

I think it would be safe to say that I have been pretty loyal to Bethesda buying almost all of their games which are truly epic in my opinion.

However there are a number of things that have recently quite royally p*ssed me off.

These are as below;

1. Waited almost 5 years for a game that is broken

2. Being lied to by Todd Howard, initially he stated that Skyrim is based on a heavily modified version of GameBryo
(Which as it comes to light is in fact the truth) then he changed his story after they received a lot of flak for still using GameBryo even if it is a modified version to stating that it is a completely new engine. It is not.

3. Pete Hines tweeting that building for PC is a headache, I am a Software Engineer i can agree that getting software to run on different configs can be hard, but not impossible. And if this is the reason they are using for the problems Skyrim has on PC what about the consoles then? They have the same hardware across the board why have they messed up there? I would suggest that they either get better programmers in or put more money into QA.

4. Its 2011 we are now at a stage where there are people who have octo core CPU's 6Gb or more of RAM, powerful graphics cards and because they refuse to let go of their precious GameBryo they are still limited to 2 cores and 2Gb of RAM!! Seriously Bethesda, what’s wrong with you? I have worked with organisations that have invested large amounts of money into software technologies but there comes a time when it is no longer fit for purpose. GameBryo ala "Creation Engine" is no longer fit for purpose.

There was a stage where in a period of 1 hour i had 34 CTD's!!! That’s almost a crash to desktop every 2 min, which incedentally was fixed by using the large address aware patch, we shouldn’t be fixing the mistakes you have made!

5. People who have bought this game fall into two camps, those who bash it and those who defend it.

Those who defend it are always going on about, "oh this game is huge you should expect problems" or "its Bethesda game what do you expect just be patient and they will fix it". My answer to these people is this, if you go to a restaurant and the chef prepares only half the meal but still expects you to pay for the full meal, would you accept that? Answer... no you wouldn’t so why should we accept a game for which many of us have paid large sums of money for to be a "half-baked product".

A game from a dev should be finished with a minimum of bugs, and any mods made by players should be to enhance the game, not to fix problems that the devs should have taken care of.

It seems that of late almost every other game released on PC has problems, Dragon Age 2 released with Tessellation problems, Batman AC released with the same DX11 problems, Rage had its own share of issues and now Skyrim, it’s almost as if devs are purposely scr*wing over PC releases in order to get people to move over to consoles out of frustration hence deliberately giving us crappy console ports.

Meanwhile the excuse the devs use for all this is that its piracy that’s causing them to pay more attention to consoles!! Wake up it’s as easy to pirate 360 and PS3 games as it is to pirate PC games, stop making the PC a scapegoat. Fact of the matter is you are probably making more money from the console market and you think it’s OK for you to scr*w us over.

I invite Todd Howard and Pete Hines to respond to the points i have raised and i can confidently say that they are not going to; they will either respond with some political sounding justification or totally ignore me. Even if they do ignore me a lot can be read from their silence or carefully worded response if there is one.

Or they may just totally not display this message choosing to edit it so that nobody reads it.

Lastly, Skyrim is like a work of art, which they consequently smeared with crap knowing that die hard hard core fans will still buy it thereby lining their pockets, regardless of the state the game is in because they think they can get away with it, which in a way i believe they have.

It’s disgusting that devs have such a lack of respect for the consumers who put them on the map in the first place.
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:43 am

Shareholders, market forces and management teams.

/the bane of games development and this thread.
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Heather Dawson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:10 pm

+1 for this thread
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Michael Russ
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:03 am

Those who defend it are always going on about, "oh this game is huge you should expect problems" or "its Bethesda game what do you expect just be patient and they will fix it". My answer to these people is this, if you go to a restaurant and the chef prepares only half the meal but still expects you to pay for the full meal, would you accept that? Answer... no you wouldn’t so why should we accept a game for which many of us have paid large sums of money for to be a "half-baked product".

Such a terrible comparison. ALL games release with bugs, that's life. Deal with it.

Most of these bugs are minor / non game changing.. the people who are experiencing game breaking bugs are a tiny minority, which happens to pretty much every game that's released on multiple platforms.
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:13 pm

Such a terrible comparison. ALL games release with bugs, that's life. Deal with it.

Most of these bugs are minor / non game changing.. the people who are experiencing game breaking bugs are a tiny minority, which happens to pretty much every game that's released on multiple platforms.

So crashing to desktop every couple of minuits is minor?

I agree all games have bugs but not to the extent that many people cant play the game without using player created work arounds like LAA.

Initially when it was released there was a bug where you had floating mamoths, that is a bug, a bug that you can live with, a fundamental error in the coding which is due to a limitation in the engine and coding ie having an engine that will only support dual cores and coding so that you only use 2gb of ram is selling you a half-baked product.

Like i said, set aside your personal feelings on the subject and look at it objectivelly, they have created a great game and kudos to them for that, but at what price, they have cut corners, and the game has suffered for it, and by not facng up to the fact you are telling them it is ok for them to short change us pricisely because people who dont want to admit it or those who are die hard fans will defend them, wether they are in the right or wrong.
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:15 pm

So crashing to desktop every couple of minuits is minor?

Do you understand what 'most' means?

I agree all games have bugs but not to the extent that many people cant play the game without using player created work arounds like LAA.

Many games do release like this, but the thing is.. these type of bugs are extremely rare.. such is the case for skyrim.
Like i said, set aside your personal feelings on the subject and look at it objectivelly, they have created a great game and kudos to them for that, but at what price, they have cut corners, and the game has suffered for it, and by not facng up to the fact you are telling them it is ok for them to short change us pricisely because people who dont want to admit it or those who are die hard fans will defend them, wether they are in the right or wrong.

They didn't do anything wrong. They released a product that works for almost everyone, but a tiny minority have a few bugs (and an even tinier minority have game breaking bugs). Such is the case for most games. At least they are trying to fix it asap.
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Stacey Mason
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:57 pm

no is ever happy on this forum, [censored] hell. if you dont like it, piss off. todd and pete have got enough on their plate than to deal with you and your petty little thoughts. go back to morrowind and zip it, man.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:29 am

To both of you above, why are you getting so personal, am i attacking you?

A game is released in a sorry state , due to errrors on Bethesda part, therefore why is it hitting a nreve if i criticise them, you dont work for them, I would suggest you learn how to take criticism on the chine like advlts.

To Ambush, yes i do understand what "most" means, i would suggest you drop the
condescending attitude as that is hardly a measure of somebodies intelligence, if you cant respond to a forum member with an intelligent and non
condescending manner i suggest you dont repond at all.

As for jesusismyairbag, grow up, telling somebody to piss off is hardly the way to respond to someone whos veiws you dont agree with.

Skyrim is a game that has flaws and no ammount putting Bethesda on a pedestal and then defendng them like faithfull hounds is going to change that.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:22 pm

im playing this game on xbox 360 atm and when i run into a bug i dont even give a [censored] about it , i just carry on playing because i enjoy this game, thats what games are for to pass the time away not to throw a fit when something in the game dont work to ur standards
all this abuse and hate threads are like all the games/movies/music anything in the world , they all have some one hating just for attention,
build a bridge get over it.
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