An Idea for a Dungeon

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:44 am

Edit: I suppose I should have put this in the "DLC Idea" thread. But I just got so excited I didn't see that one.

What if the first DLC was a dungeon that played like Diablo. Think about it.

It gets harder the farther you go, so it should pose a challenge for even the people playing on Master and blowing right through the game.

Can practically double how long it takes someone to play through everything in the game. Assuming the dungeon was built with enough depth to take more than three hours to beat.

It would be a good spot to train your skills or Loot hunt.

Fun, Fun, Fun!!!

The only down side I can see, almost game breaking since everything would have to re spawn when you leave. This could be used to power level, but i have nothing against grinding and power leveling though. I suppose the Dungeon could only be made available at level 50 or something, since leveling slows down anyways.

The problem I see with this being done, is that to make a dungeon like Diablo's worthwhile, it would probably take the devs months to do, but I think it would be the best DLC ever.

What does everyone else think? Good Idea or bad? Your thoughts, please post.
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Brooke Turner
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:50 pm

A DLC placed in a gigantic dungeon is something new to TES, I like this idea. However, I wouldn't want this part of a game to be pure hack'n'slash like you propose. Skyrim already has enough dungeon crawling and honestly, it would be boring, not to mention repetitous - there are only so many creatures available... By the time we get a DLC, people will be so fed up with grinding and leveling and will be so high level that such a dungeon will be of no use for them.

TES expansions and DLCs should bring new types of challenges, new factions, new ideas. An enormous dungeon would be a perfect place for a Dwemer- or Falmer-based DLC, and that's what I'd love to see.

Other than that, if you want more Diabloesqe content, you should play Diablo. No offence intended, I just think there's no place in TES for even more h'n's. I believe we need a DLC that brings new things to the game, and your idea is basically just a bigger version of what we've already seen.
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