» Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:04 pm
i'm sorry but if you're maxed out using dx11 hi res textures and tessellation then that is about right. i have a similar rig and it fluctuates for me from 40-60 frames. i'm not so sure if this update from crytek is optimized. at 1280x720 with all dx11 content maxed to ultra with high on motion blur i'm locked at 60 easy. but when i up to 1600x900 then it struggles, fluctuating between 40-60 with an avg of about 45-50...maybe less. i understand going up in res will drop frames somewhat but from 720 to 900 is like night and day. it's odd.
i5 2500k@4.2
8gig 1600
570gtx oc edition