1) Staves and Combat: We can use staves, yes, (enchanted ones), even one in each hand; however... it would be best to be able to use one staff with both hands, and to do so with the use of martial arts techniques for close combat that may resemble something close to that of the Shaolin Monks (in real life or movies) possibly.
2) Spellmaking and Bookmaking: We can purchase or find spell books that destroy themselves after we read them to gain spells. That's wonderful! Why not be able to create our own spell books and use them or sell them? I would prefer to use them than to sell them but... hey. Would it be wonderful to collect "roll of paper" or even "ruined book"s to gain the materials needed for spellmaking?
3) More matrimony: We can marry a few men and women, but what if we could pick the ones we actually have our eyes on? This area of the game should be expanded.
4) Expansion: We visited Morrowind in ES3, visited Cyrodill in ES4, so why not revisit every landscape, continent, and nation ever created and maintained in Elder Scrolls? The deluxe version of Tamriel! (Hope I got the names right.)
Anything else I forgot? Anything you agree with? Holler if you read this, fans and Bethesda Softworks! Thank you.