Has level scaling changed since 1.2? A bit curious now.

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:03 pm

Ok, I'm, level 38, and I still haven't done much other than my own thing, clearing mines and certain smaller areas, bandit forts and camps. Anyway, I have had a very very difficult time dealing with enemies. This might be partly due to levelling massively in riverwood and Whiterun before venturing further and playing on MASTER. Anyway, certain enemies always one hit killed me. Blocking didn't do much good as the damage reduction was minimal. Now, after patch 1.2, I have noticed I can stand in front of trolls with shield up and I have nothing to fear. It barely takes 1/50th of my health off. Face off with 3 random Justicars resulted in me being destroyed before patch 1.2. I just couldn't take these guys on. Now, maybe 3 levels since the last I saw them, and with patch 1.2 installed, I just got into a fight with 3 random Justicars again on the road and, although surrounded, I was being layed into, barely being hurt, especially with shield drawn. What on earth has happend here? Has Bethesda ruined my effort to level up so much before venturing? I didn't want it to level lock so low, so why now are enemies much weaker, when before I was having a nightmare with them? Hmmm.

OK EDIT: See below.

Ok, I just reloaded my save and suddenly the 3 Justicars are very strong. I am barely hurting them. I believe this game has a severe loading issue. Playing on Xbox by the way. Not only do textures sometimes fail to load properly, which happens when playing off the disc too, it also fails to load other elements properly it seems???
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Danger Mouse
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:46 am

Are you playing off the disc or download?
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Eire Charlotta
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