Was checking the Skyrim wiki and I counted no more than one potential Redguard spouse. Anwen. No male...not even two females? Other races have multiple love interests(hell, even Orcs got more). Are there any others or is that it?
Redguards are annoying. I killed all the ones in Whiterun because they kept questioning my visits to dragonsreach and told me to try mercenary work, plus telling me how to treat wife. Damn annoying redguards.
I can't imagine Norway in 845 AD had very many black people either. Yes, yes, I know - it's Skyrim, not medieval Scandinavia, but Skyrim sure is based on medieval Scandinavia.
I killed that blacksmith's redguard wife in dawnstar after he told me she was pregnant and i showed him the body by picking it up and taking it to him. He was like... oh no! and then played it off like nothing ever happened so I put her corpse in his furnace and he proceeded to fan the flames. That's all I can tell you about redguard women.