Enemy mobs: Oblivion & Skyrim

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:56 pm

I remember in Oblivion how randomly you'll find bandit or other sorts of enemies using glass or Deadric weapons and armor. All I really see in Skyrim is the same old fur or leather armored bandit. I'd like to hear from you guys about what mobs you either loved, hated, miss, wish they were back, glad they're gone, etc from Oblivion and which new mobs you like the best (other than dragons, or if you hate dragons let's hear about it :D)

I for one miss seeing, like I said earlier, the random mobs using scaled armor and weapons and randomly being stopped by Highwaymen in full glass armor and glass weapons. I also remember walking into a tavern outside of the Imperial City and seeing a band of hunters in glass and deadric armor. Was awesome. =)
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