I downloaded the mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13853 by xoovermindox on TESNexus. The mod's great. I totally recommend it to anyone who wants likes Battlehorn castle, but just wants more of it. I give it a 9/10. I'll tell why now.
There is but one problem. There is a rope going through the trophy hall. not lengthwise, but from ceiling to floor. One rope. It's a frickin eyesore when you're entering. http://steamcommunity.com/id/crazyjeffy/screenshot/560914400125736063?. Now, I tried to fix it in the construction set. However, when I did that the game would crash upon loading. And it was only when the mod was activated. So I uninstalled and redownloaded the mod, everything fine... except BAM still a frickin rope. It's a little nuisance. Not game breaking, but definitely not something that should be in a room where I put all my prized possesions and treasures. Can anyone please help me in any way?

Also, sorry if this is in the wrong section. I've been here since '06 (though that was on a diff account) but I never really make many topics >.>
EDIT: This can be locked/deleted/allowed to fall off the face of the earth now. I found the glorious Ring of console and deleted the nuisance using it. Thanks Stromgarde for the advice :tops: