Load my save from last night and start trekking out from my home. I wander for about an hour with a quick save here or there. I find a cave to explore, "hard" save before going in and enjoy the hour or so of a unique little story within.
I step out, notice a dragon and start hurling fire at it. The damned thing starts flying erratically (backward, insanely fast, vanishing, hovering) and never landing. So I decide to move along and fast travel to a few places... Until I notice that the same spaz dragon seems to be traveling along with me.
I decide to load back to a save before I saw it, after the cave described above. Still there. I load back to the save before entering the cave. It is still there, I guess I didn't see it before going in. Now the only save that I have is a few hours earlier, back at my house. This is the second time it has happened, and I only worry that a glitched dragon will still be glitched even after the next patch.
What does everyone think? Will I be safe with my saves, or would the Spazuidin follow me several patches from now? What have you been doing when encountering these impossible beasts?